Services - ServicesThe Community Learning Disability Service is a team of health staff and social workers who assess and support people with a global learning disability, their families and carers to residents in Tower Hamlets.
We help people to be as independent as possible by offering advice, therapy and practical support and can sign post you to other services to meet your needs.
We help adults, (persons aged 18 or over) with a learning disabilities who live in Tower Hamlets. We can help you:
- live a healthy independent and safe life
- have a place to live
- understand money
- have a job
- make decisions and choices
- have positive relationships with friends and family
- go out have fun and meet new people
- get around and be respected in the community
- prepare for a hospital stay or visit to your GP
- if you are sad, angry or having a difficult time
We also support parents or carers of someone with a learning disability in their caring role and to have a better life.
Accessing this service
You can contact us yourself or get your GP, social worker, health or education personnel, relative, carer or support worker to refer you to the Community Learning Disabilities Service, on our referral form. (link to referral form)
Tel 020 7771 5500 / Fax 020 8983 3369
Email: BHNT.LearningDisability@nhs.net
Who will I see?
Our team is made up of health professionals, social workers, managers and administrators.
You will meet with two members of the team to help us do a single assessment, to decide if you have a learning disability and what help you need. The meeting can be at our offices or at home, at your day service, college or school and will take place within 28 days of your referral.
If you need help more quickly or are being hurt, neglected or abused we can see you within 48 hours (safeguarding).
CLDS is situated on
2nd Floor, Beaumont House,
Mile End Hospital,
Bancroft Road E1 4DG. (hyperlink to map and transport links)
Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays 9am-5pm
If you prefer we can meet you at home, at your college, or day service.