Patient information leaflets

Our patient information leaflets provide guidance and advice to patients, carers and visitors on a number of services that we deliver.

Each leaflet is reviewed every three years so that readers have up to date information.

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Page 1 of 11 Next page Total results: 272
Status Title Format Description Size Download
Current 1245 Adult Critical Care and Emergency Support services (ACCESS).pdf pdf
Patient information leaflet regarding access to adult care and emergency support services
Current 1254 Mile End Hospital Persistent Pain Service pdf
Patient information leaflet regarding persistent pain and their services
Current 564 Thoracic Surgery information and exercise following your surgery pdf
Patient information leaflet regarding after surgery physiotherapy post-operatively to allow this to support their recovery
Current 566 Information about dentistry for people with IBD.pdf pdf
Information about dentistry for people with inherited bleeding disorders (IBD)
Current 857 After your radiotherapy has finished pdf
Patient information regarding radiotherapy treatment
Current A Patient Guide to the Discharge Lounge pdf
Patient information leaflet regarding what is the discharge lounge
Current Acute Pain Management Information Leaflet pdf
Medicine, Pain Management, Acute Pain Management Information Leaflet
Current Acute Pain Management Information Leaflet
For Translation
Current Advance Care Planning (ACP) information
For Translation
Current Advance care planning (ACP) information doc
Advance care planning (ACP) is an opportunity to plan future care and support including medical treatment while you have the capacity to do so in discussion with a healthcare professional (doctor/ GP / nurse).
Current Advice when having Aortic Surgery pdf
Surgery, operation, op, Advice when having Aortic Surgery
Current Advice when having Aortic Surgery
For Translation, Surgery, operation, op, Advice when having Aortic Surgery
Current After your Radiotherapy has finished
For Translation, Radiotherapy, Medicine, Radiotherapy, After your Radiotherapy has Finished
Current After your Radiotherapy has Finished pdf
Medicine, Radiotherapy, x-ray, After your Radiotherapy has Finished
Current Aftercare following micropigmentation (medical tattooing)
For Translation
Current Aftercare Following Micropigmentation (Medical Tattooing) pdf
Patient Information regarding Aftercare Following Micropigmentation
Current Aminoglycoside antibiotics pdf
Medicine, Pharmacy, Medication, Aminoglycoside antibiotics
Current Andrology patient information leaflet: what happens next pdf
Men with “andrology” problems including erectile dysfunction, male infertility and problems with the penis, scrotum or testes
Current Appointment only Blood Tests pdf
Appointment only Blood Tests
Current Appointment-only Blood Tests
For TRANSLATION, Medicine, Haematology, Phlebotomy, appointment, blood tests
Current Asthma and Wheeze How to keep your child well pdf
Asthma and Wheeze How to keep your child well
Current Asthma and wheeze, how to keep your child well in Arabic.pdf pdf
Patient information leaflet regarding children with breathing difficulties.
Current Asthma and wheeze, how to keep your child well in Bengali.pdf pdf
Patient information leaflet regarding children with breathing difficulties.
Current Auditory Brainstem Response ABR Under General Anaesthetic pdf
Surgery, Audiology, Hearing, Ears, Auditory Brainstem Response ABR Under General Anaesthetic
Current Barts health Specialist Children's Services Guidance for Referrers docx
Barts health Specialist Children's Services Guidance for Referrers
Page 1 of 11 Next page Total results: 272