
Tree with different religion symbols attached to branches to represent all religions

Supporting you this Ramadan

This year Ramadan will begin on the night of Friday 28 February and end on Sunday 30 March.

Our Muslim chaplains are on hand to support, educate and advise patients and staff at any time, and all of our hospitals have prayer rooms, open to patients, staff and visitors.  

It’s important to keep healthy during this holy month and ensure you are observing Ramadan safely:

  • Continue to take your prescribed medication
  • Seek medical advice if you become unwell
  • If you have diabetes, speak to your GP for advice on how to fast safely

More health advice here.

The service we provide

woman bereaving next to phone

Our service

What support is available?

Chaplains offer a wide range of confidential support and assistance to people of all faiths and beliefs. At the request of patients, relatives, friends or staff, we can: 

  • offer a listening ear
  • be present at times of distress and anxiety
  • bereavement support
  • provide scriptures / holy texts or religious materials
  • help in the spiritual search to understand a concern or illness
  • help contact your local faith community
  • reflect upon loss, grief and End of Life issues
  • offer support on ethical and religious questions
  • offer religious support through prayer, worship, ritual or sacraments
  • advise on funeral arrangements and associated matters

In an emergency please ask ward staff to contact us in an emergency. We provide a 24 hour service and the appropriate on call chaplain can be contacted via switchboard 020 7377 7000.


Our Chaplains

Providing religious, spiritual and pastoral care

Our Chaplaincy Team are made up of full-time, part-time and trained volunteer professionals from all over the world who ensure that patients, staff, relatives and friends in our hospitals are able to receive the support they need from representatives of various faiths and beliefs.

In times of loss, change or other challenges, our chaplains can listen and provide comfort depending on your needs, no matter what your religious or spiritual belief.

Meet the team

Newham Hospital

The Multi-Faith Prayer Room

The Multi-Faith Prayer Room is situated on the first floor, Zone 12, immediately above the West Entrance. It is available for patients, staff and visitors for prayer and reflection. The room has ablution facilities. There are different religious services during the week. 

Our Weekly Services

Everyone is warmly welcome at the following services: 

Tuesdays: 12:15pm – 12.45pm 
Christian Service  

Wednesdays: 12:30pm – 13:10pm 
Roman Catholic Mass 
Fridays: 12:40pm and 1:00pm (winter) and 1:15pm and 1:35pm (summer) 
Muslim Jumu’ah Prayers 

Telephone: 020 7363 8053 

Click here for accessibility information

The Royal London and Mile End Hospitals

The Royal London Hospital

Our offices and prayer rooms are on the second floor, Lift 5.

The Sanctuary is a Christian space welcoming those who wish to pray, seek a place of quiet or attend a service.

The Muslim Prayer Rooms have separate prayer and ablution facilities for men and women. Toilets are on the ground floor.

The Jewish Community Room is a space where people can relax, study or pray. Kosher food and refreshments are also provided. A PIN number to access the room is available from the chaplaincy or from the Stepney Way ground floor reception.


Our Weekly Services

Everyone is warmly welcome at the following services:

Tuesdays: 12:30pm - Anglican Eucharist - The Sanctuary

Wednesdays: 12.30pm - Roman Catholic Mass – The Sanctuary

Fridays: 12:30pm - Roman Catholic Mass – The Sanctuary

Fridays: 12:30 pm and 1:05pm (winter) and 1:10 and 1:50pm (summer) - Muslim Jumu’ah Prayers  - Prayer Rooms


Mile End Hospital

The Chapel is on the first floor above Robinson Ward, and is available for patients, staff and visitors for prayer and reflection. 

Click here for accessibility information

The Multi-Faith Prayer room is situated on the ground floor close to the restaurant. A pin number is available from the reception or ward staff.

Click here for accessibility information

Tel: 020 3594 2070





St Bartholomew's Hospital

St Bartholomew the Less is situated inside the King Henry the VIII Gate entrance. The church is open for patients and visitors who wish to pray, seek a place of quiet or attend a service.

Muslim Prayer Room is available for Muslim patients, their relatives and staff for daily prayers and reflection. It is located on the first floor of the Catering block. Ablution facilities are provided.

The Jewish Community Room is on the second floor of the Catering block. It is a space where people can relax, study or pray. Kosher food and refreshments are also provided. A PIN number to access the room and toilets is available from security, site managers or chaplaincy.

Telephone: 020 3465 7220

Our Weekly Services

Everyone is warmly welcome at the following services:

Tuesdays: 12:30pm - Church of England Eucharist  - St Bartholomew the Less

Thursdays: 12:30pm - Roman Catholic Mass - St Bartholomew the Less

Sundays: 10:00am - Family Service - St Bartholomew the Less




Whipps Cross University Hospital

The Retreat

The Chapel and the Muslim Prayer Room are part of the Retreat, situated on the first floor. It is available for patients, visitors and staff for prayer and reflection. 

Take the stairs up to the first floor which are near Junction 5. At the top of the stairs go through the door on the left.

Click here for accessibility information

The Chapel and Quiet Area are through the first door, and the Muslim Prayer Room is through the second door. Ablution facilities are available.

Tel: 020 8535 6988

Our Weekly Services

Everyone is warmly welcome at the following services:

Wednesdays: 1pm - Anglican Eucharist – Chapel

Thursdays: 12:45pm - Christian Fellowship Group -Chapel

Fridays: 1:00pm (winter) and :15pm (summer) - Muslim Jumu’ah Prayers  -Muslim Prayer room