Address, travel and parking

St Bartholomew's Hospital address

St Bartholomew's Hospital
West Smithfield

Phone: 020 7377 7000

Download a map of St Bartholomew's Hospital

View the AccessAble guides

Please note, an independent hospital run by Nuffield Health is also located on the St Bartholomew's Hospital campus.

Getting here

You can travel to the hospital in a number of ways including on foot, by car, by bike or by public transport. We also provide a patient transport service.

By bus

The following buses stop outside or close to the hospital: 4, 8, 17, 25 (24 hour service), 45 46, 56, 63, 76, 100, 153, 172, 242 (24 hour service) and 521 (Mondays to Fridays only) as well as night buses N8, N63 and N76.

Low-floor wheelchair accessible buses run on all routes serving St Bartholomew's Hospital.

By bike

We encourage visitors, staff and patients living nearby to cycle to the hospital where possible. Cycle parking facilities are available around the hospital:

Cycle hire:

  • Santander Cycle hire docks are located on West Smithfield near the King Henry VIII Gate entrance and on King Edward Street near main reception entrance
  • City of London provides dockless hire bays and can be viewed via their interactive map
  • Coming soon - Brompton Hire dock on-site 

Cycle parking:

  • Onsite cycle rack facilities are available outside the transport lounge and outside the Nuffield Health at St Bartholomew's Hospital building, the latter can accommodate most cargo bikes
  • Offsite City of London cycle racks are located near hospital entrances
  • Secure cycle store area available for Barts Health employees (please visit main reception to update access card)

By tube

The closest underground stations are St Paul's (5 minute walk), Barbican (7 minutes),  Farringdon (8 minutes), Blackfriars (10 minutes), Moorgate (17 minutes).

By train

The nearest National Rail stations are Blackfriars (10 minute walk), Cannon Street (15 minutes), City Thameslink (7 minutes), Moorgate (17 minutes) and Farringdon (8 minutes). Liverpool Street station is a 17 minute walk or a short tube, bus, bike or taxi ride away.

By car or taxi

There is no public parking at the hospital. If you do need to drive, the Rotunda multi-storey public car park is close to the hospital in West Smithfield. NCP Aldersgate multi-storey is also nearby.

St Bartholomew's Hospital operates a one-way system with drop-off and pick up at three designated laybys, with a maximum stay of 10 minutes. You can access the drop off point from Giltspur Street and exit onto King Edward Street.

Infopoints at the hospital allow you to make free calls to taxi companies to arrange your journey home. There is an infopoint located at the main entrance on King Edward Street. There are additional infopoints at the exit of Clinic 2, at the patient transport lounge by Clinic 3 and by the discharge lounge outside ward 4A.

Blue Badge holders

There are a small number of parking bays for Blue Badge holders. These are accessed via Giltspur Street. Drivers who are registered disabled and have a Blue Badge can also check where to park at on the City of London Corporation website.

Charging zones

St Bartholomew's Hospital is situated within the congestion charge zone and the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).

Refunds of hospital transport costs 

You may be able to claim a refund for the cost of your transport to hospital through the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS) if you:

  • are not eligible for patient transport services (PTS)
  • cannot afford the cost of travelling to hospital
  • cannot get a friend or relative to take you

Patient transport

Please contact our call centre on 020 7767 3344 to request patient transport. Lines are open Monday to Saturday, between 7am and 8pm for bookings, and 24/7 for general queries.

Shops, cafes and other services


The Guild Shop can be found on the ground floor of the KGV building. It sells toiletries, confectionery, newspapers and magazines, cards and hospital souvenirs. The shop is open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4pm. The shop is run by volunteers from the Barts Guild. Opening hours may be subject to change.

Restaurant and coffee shop

Light refreshments are available from the coffee shop in the basement of the KGV building. There is a restaurant on the second floor of KGV, which serves hot food and a coffee shop on the groundfloor of the West Wing. A restaurant on the first floor of the catering block also serves hot food and drinks.


Free wifi is available throughout the hospital. If you encounter any problems, please call the 24/7 helpdesk on 0344 848 9555.

Hospital Radio

Barts Hospital Radio is free and provides programs of entertainment, music, and news: 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Overnight accommodation

James Hora Home at The Royal London Hospital provides accommodation for relatives and carers of critical care and surgical patients. The home also accommodates patients who may find it difficult to make regular visits to St  Bartholomew’s Hospital for treatment.

The home has space for up to 26 guests. Please speak to a member of the ward/clinic staff about a referral to stay in James Hora Home or contact them on 078 8055 3525. Please note, direct bookings cannot be made.


Chaplains of many faiths are available to speak to all patients, relatives and carers. Information about your religious preference will be passed to the chaplaincy.

Nuffield Health at St Bartholomew's Hospital

An independent hospital run by Nuffield Health is located on the St Bartholomew's Hospital campus.

Nuffield Health at St Bartholomew’s Hospital
38 Giltspur Street

Download a map of Nuffield Health at St Bartholomew's Hospital

Hospital contact numbers


For confidential advice, support and information, please call our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 020 3465 5919.

Call for concern (for inpatients only)

We recognise that sometimes friends and family can see a patient’s deterioration before anyone else does. If you still have concerns about your loved one’s condition after talking to the nursing and medical teams, you can contact the critical care outreach team directly on 07743930950. Our critical care outreach team will review the patient, liaise with their clinical team and take any appropriate action.

Please note, this is a patient safety service for inpatients at St Bartholomew's Hospital only. To discuss basic care issues, food, parking, transport or any other general enquiries, please speak to the ward nurse or doctor, or use the PALS service above. Apppointment queries cannot be answered using this number.

Call for concern, patient information leaflet, St Bartholomew's Hospital [pdf] 200KB

Ward and department contact numbers

Ward or department Telephone number
Hospital switchboard 020 7377 7000
Radiotherapy reception

0203 465 5222

0203 465 6222

Nucleur medicine reception

0203 465 5900

0203 465 5767

Clinic 3 0203 765 8154
1C (intensive care unit)

0203 765 8344

0203 465 8038

0203 465 8341

1D (high dependency unit)

0203 765 8327

0203 765 8028

1E (intensive care unit)

0203 765 8013

2nd floor clinic 4 reception (cystic fibrosis patients only) 0203 465 6565
2nd floor clinic 5 reception

0207 480 4899

2nd floor cardiac MRI reception

0203 465 6113

0203 465 6335

Cath lab reception 0203 465 8065
Radial lounge (3C) 0203 465 6387
0203 765 8061
3A West (cardiac services)

0203 465 6537

0203 465 6530

3A East (cardiac services)

0203 465 5411

0203 465 5416

0203 465 6849

0203 465 5447

3D (cardiac inpatients) 0203 465 6526
3D (cardiac day unit) 0203 465 6528
4A (cardiothoaracics and endocrinology)

0203 765 8106

0203 765 6867

4B (cardiothoaracics and endocrinology)

0203 465 6366

0203 465 6364

4C (respiratory and cystic fibrosis)

0203 465 6586

4D (respiratory and cystic fibrosis)

0203 765 8076

0203 765 8376

4E (cystic fibrosis patients only)

0203 765 8088

5A (cancer services)

0203 465 6567

0203 465 5553

5B (cancer services)

0203 465 6551

0203 465 5567

0203 465 5552

5C (cancer services)

0203 465 5508

0203 765 6500

5D (cancer services)

0203 465 5346

0203 465 6346

6A (intensive care unit)

020 346 55915

6C (intensive care unit)

020 3465 6886

6D (cancer and cardiac services)

020 3465 6545 

020 3465 5545

7A (cancer services)

0203 465 6789

0203 465 6786

Keeping our patients and staff safe


We know that being in hospital can be stressful and unnerving, and our staff will always do their best to ensure you or your loved ones receive the best possible care.

We are actively training our staff to spot the signs and de-escalate incidents, but we will not tolerate violence and abuse. In an emergency you will always receive treatment, but incidents of violence may be put on your patient record.

You may notice our staff wearing body-worn cameras while on shift. These cameras help protect both you and our staff, and will only be activated when responding to an incident.

We will always inform you before recording begins and all footage is stored under the Data Protection Act 1998. Please speak to the nurse in charge or a member of the security team if you have any questions.

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