Phlebotomy (blood tests)

Patient getting blood taken by a phlebotomist

Blood tests and other lab test samples

Image of blood test capsule

We provide services across east London

You can choose to have your blood test in a location convenient for you

There are blood testing services for Barts Health patients across Tower Hamlets, Newham, Waltham Forest, Redbridge and in the City of London.

Blood testing services may be based at your local GP practice, in the community or in a hospital outpatient department. 

Blood tests for children are usually only available in certain hospitals.

Person writing on blood test tube

Book an appointment

For most locations, a booking is required

Most sites have walk-in slots available, but these are limited and you may be asked to come back another day or be asked to wait.

Blood test labels

Most locations can print blood test labels, so you shouldn’t need to bring one with you.

However, some locations cannot print labels so please check this before you book.

You will need to take a label if your blood test has been requested by your GP.

Stool sample information

Stool sample

Completing a stool sample

Your clinical team will provide you with a pot and label

This could be in person or sent by post with instructions.

We offer a range of locations to return your sample — read our Stool sample hubs information for patients[docx] 593KB for details. Please make sure the sticker is attached to the pot.

Staff at the hubs will not be able to replace lost bottles or stickers.

City of London (including St Bartholomew's Hospital)

St Bartholomew's Hospital outpatient blood test service

Clinic 1, King George 5th wing (KGV), St Bartholomew's Hospital

Opening hours

Monday-Friday, 9.30am-5.30pm

All blood tests at St Bartholomew’s Hospital must be booked online in advance, or by using the kiosk in Clinic 1 on the day.

Walk-in tests are no longer available.

Book online now

For those unable to access online bookings, there is a booking kiosk in clinic one on the ground floor of our KGV building.

Telephone bookings can also be made on 020 3465 6868 between 10am-12pm, Monday to Friday. 

GP appointments and children

The service is not open to GP patients. Please attend a local GP hub as advised by your GP practice.

Children and young people under the age of 18 are unable to have a blood test at St Bartholomew’s Hospital. 

Read our patient information leaflet [pdf] 1MB

Newham (including Newham Hospital)

Newham Hospital outpatient department blood test service

Ground Floor, Zone 6, Health Central, Newham Hospital

Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm (closed on bank holidays).

Phone us: 020 7363 8352

Contact us if you need help with your blood test: 020 7363 9446, Monday to Friday, 8am-4pm.

This service is open to Barts Health hospital patients and GP paediatric patients (aged 2-18 years) only. 

Book online now

For children

Please bring your GP blood test forms with you, otherwise our phlebotomists will not be able to carry out the test.

For children aged 0-2

Visit us: ARK, paediatric outpatient department, Rainbow Ward, ground floor, zone 10.

Phone us to book an appointment: 020 7363 9029 or 020 7363 9030.

Newham community clinics

You can now book a blood test at four community clinics in Newham.

Book online now

If you are unable to use the online booking service, please contact: 020 8475 2199 and press option 2. The telephone lines are open 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday.

Visit us

There are no walk-in slots available.

Redbridge (including Wanstead Hospital)

Heronwood and Galleon Unit, Wanstead Hospital

Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-1pm.

This service is open to Barts Health patients aged over 10 years old visiting the hospital for outpatient appointments only.

You must have a booked appointment to use this service.

Book online here

We are unable to print labels from hospital requests. Please bring the request labels that you were given by your hospital teams to your appointment.

Alternatively, you can visit one of our other community sites in another borough.

Tower Hamlets (including Mile End and The Royal London hospitals)

The Royal London Hospital outpatient blood test services for adults

2nd floor, north tower, The Royal London Hospital

On entering the building, please take lift core 8 to the main waiting area.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 8.30am-5pm (closed on bank holidays).

This service is open to Barts Health patients only and not patients referred for a blood test by their GP. Please check with your doctor to make sure that your blood tests have been booked onto the system before attending your appointment.

Adult GP patients should book appointments for blood tests at their GP practice.

If you are attending an outpatient clinic, you will need to book an appointment online

You can also book a same-day, walk-in slot using the kiosk in the waiting area. The kiosk will show the next available timeslot, not an actual appointment time. You will be seen on a first come, first served basis, and there may be a long wait. 

Book online for an antenatal glucose tolerance test, 2nd floor

Book online if you are a renal transplant patient, 2nd floor

Book online for all other hospital outpatient appointments

Read more in our patient information leaflets

Request forms and labels

You don't need to bring a request form or label to this service as we can print the request form stickers or labels directly from our hospital computer system.

Blood test services for patients aged 0-17 years

Clinic 4, 7th floor, north tower, The Royal London Hospital

Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-4.30pm (closed on bank holidays).

This service is for Barts Health outpatient clinic patients and Tower Hamlets GP patients under 18 years of age.

If you are a GP patient

You must be registered with a Tower Hamlets GP to use this service.

Appointments must be booked in advance, and you will need to bring a paper copy of the blood test request form with you to your appointment. 

Book online now

Read more in our patient information leaflets

Watch video guides for visiting The Royal London Hospital

Mile End Hospital outpatient blood test service

Ground floor, Grove Building, Mile End Hospital

Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 8.30am-4.15pm (closed on bank holidays).

This service is open to Barts Health patients only.

GP patients should book appointments for blood tests at their GP practice.

You will need to book an appointment online

Book online now

You can also book a same-day, walk-in slot using the kiosk in the waiting area. The kiosk will show the next available timeslot, not an actual appointment time. You will be seen on a first come, first served basis, and there may be a long wait. 

Request forms and labels

Please check with your doctor to make sure that your blood tests have been booked onto the system before attending your appointment.

You don't need to bring a request form or label to this service as we can print the blood test request form stickers or labels directly from our hospital computer system.

Tower Hamlets community clinics in GP practices

Outpatient blood tests are now available at GP practices across Tower Hamlets.

Request forms and labels

Your GP cannot request a blood test on behalf of the hospital or print labels from the hospital computer system. You will need your hospital team to request the test and provide you with a request label, even if the GP practice is helping with the phlebotomy. Your hospital will need to post you the labels.

On the day of your blood test, please make sure you have your label with you. The GP practice will not be able to complete your blood test without it.

Waltham Forest (including Whipps Cross Hospital)

Whipps Cross Hospital outpatient blood test services

Adult services

Area 1 outpatients, Whipps Cross Hospital

Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-4.30pm by appointment only. 

Book online now

Children’s services

For children under 12 months old

Phone us to book an appointment on the medical day unit, Acorn ward: 07546 655 797.

For children aged between 12 months and 10 years old

Clinic times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30am-3.30pm by appointment only.

Children cannot be seen outside these clinic times. 

Book online now and choose the children's blood test option

For children over 10 years old

Book online now

Community clinics

These clinics are available to patients over 10 years old.

Book online now

We can print labels from hospital requests so you don't need to bring request labels with you.