Paediatric infectious diseases and immunology

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What we do

We serve a diverse population and care for approximately 80 children with primary immunodeficiency. We also look after 40 children with hereditary angiodema (HAE), making us one of the largest HAE services in the country. 

Where longterm treatment is required, such as C1 inhibitor or gamma interferon, we offer training to families to enable them to provide these treatments at home. 

We provide shared care services for children following bone marrow transplantation with Great Ormond Street Hospital.

We receive referrals for children with the following conditions:

  • Fever of unknown origin
  • Recurrent infections
  • Febrile children returning from abroad
  • Congenital infections
  • TB including multidrug resistant TB, BCG infections and reactivation
  • Complex infections
  • Suspected inherited immune deficiency
  • Inflammatory disorders such as Kawasaki Disease and PIMS-TS


Tuberculosis clinic

  • The Royal London Hospital, 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month
  • Whipps Cross Hospital, 1st Thursday of each month
  • Newham Hospital chest clinic, based in Shrewsbury Road, 2nd Monday of each month.

Paediatric immunology

  • The Royal London Hospital, 3rd Tuesday of each month. Joint clinic with paediatric and adult immunologist, respiratory paediatrician and immunology clinical nurse specialist.

Paediatric infectious diseases - including family clinic for HIV and vertically acquired infections

  • The Royal London Hospital, 2nd Thursday of each month
  • The Greenway Centre, Newham Hospital, 1st and 3rd Friday of each month.


We take part in a wide range of national and international infectious diseases, immunology and vaccine research studies supported by our clinical research nursing team. We also have clinical academics within the infection and immunology team who are based at the Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London, on the Whitechapel site.

Meet the team

Consultant team

  • Dr Mildred Iro, consultant paediatric infectious diseases and immunology
  • Dr Benita Morrissey, consultant general paediatrician with interest in infectious diseases
  • Dr Sue Liebeschuetz, consultant general paediatrician with interest in infectious diseases 

Honorary consultants

  • Prof Andrew Prendergast, consultant in paediatric infectious diseases and immunology
  • Dr Robin Basu-Roy, consultant in paediatric infectious diseases and immunology

Paediatric microbiology

  • Dr Eliza Alexander, consultant in virology and microbiology

Clinical Nurse Specialists

  • Michael Yusuff, TB nurse specialist
  • Amy Hill, TB nurse specialist
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Get in touch

Contact the team

For all general enquires please contact our patient care coordinators:

  • Immunology at The Royal London Hospital: Naa Arne, 02035942474
  • TB at The Royal London Hospital: Theresa Duggan, 02035941629

For clinical enquiries please contact the clinical nurse specialist: