Having your baby at Whipps Cross Hospital

Mother holding new born baby

Choosing our hospital

Woman with baby on chest in hospital

Choosing our hospital

We offer personalised care to women and pregnant people

We also work closely with our research centre dedicated to women's health.

If you choose to have your baby with us, we have an expert team of midwives and doctors who will work with you to plan a safe and comfortable pregnancy and delivery.

Our services are safe and you will be treated with respect, inclusivity and dignity. You and your family will be supported in every way possible if you choose to have your baby with us.

Following a 2019 and 2022 inspection by our healthcare regulator, our services were rated 'Good'.

Use our online form to refer yourself to our maternity team

Antenatal self referral form Whipps Cross hospital [docx] 186KB

Maternity 360 tour text

Welcome to our maternity department

Take a tour of the rooms and equipment


Visit our hospital virtually

Contact us

Person using mobile phone

Contact us

We are available for you at all times

Dedicated helpline (including maternity appointments and scans): 020 7767 3348 24 hours, 7 days a week

Visit us

Early Gynaecology Unit & Maternity Triage (24 hours daily)

pregnant woman with small bump on bed

We offer emergency care

In your early pregnancy

The Emergency Gynaecology Unit (EGU) provides emergency care for women and pregnant people with problems in early pregnancy (up to 17 weeks) and emergency care for acute gynaecological problems.

Please contact us if you:

  • are in pain or bleeding
  • have a suspected ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside of the womb)
  • have severe pelvic pain and you are not pregnant

The appointments are allocated from A&E, GPs or other healthcare providers. You will be given an appointment either on the day or within a few days.

You can self-refer if you've had:

  • two previous miscarriages
  • a previous ectopic pregnancy
  • a previous molar pregnancy

Contact us

Phone us: 020 8535 6499

We are here:

  • Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 7:00pm
  • Weekends and bank holidays: 9:00am to 12:00pm

If you are pregnant and are having pain or heavy bleeding outside of these hours, please go to A&E.


Emergency care after 18 weeks

pregnant woman with hands on bump

We offer emergency care

If you are more than 18 weeks pregnant

Our senior midwives are here for you from 18 weeks to up to 6 weeks after you give birth.

Please contact us if:

  • you are experiencing reduced fetal movements
  • you think you are in labour
  • your water breaks
  • are experiencing vaginal bleeding

If you have any other concerns such as itching, headaches and visual disturbances or postnatal concerns, please call us for advice.

Phone: 020 7767 3348

  • couple with baby

    We visited Whipps Cross hospital as we had not felt our baby move in the womb for a few hours, and we needed an emergency c section. This was nerve wracking but all the staff were sensitve and reassuring. Baby and mum are both now doing well and a large part of this is due to the support we got from Whipps Cross in the first days of her life. 

    Duncan, Kathrin and Baby Iris, Whipps Cross Hospital

  • Black pregnant woman on sofa

    I was very pleased with my experience in maternity unit and I couldn't have asked more. The midwives and doctor, especially in labour ward were absolutely amazing and supportive. They gave me lot of attention, support and reassurance through my labour despite how busy they were. Just cannot describe in words how truly fantastic they are.. I've been given lots of advice, information and help during my stay there. 

    Inesa, Whipps Cross Hospital