Our services

Nurse smiling

Find the service you need

We offer a range of essential and specialist services across Barts Health.

To find the service you are looking for please use our A-Z catalogue. Select the first letter of the service to access the right information, for example click 'M' for maternity.

If you cannot find the service you are looking for contact us.

  1. Paediatrics: Young Barts Health
  2. Pain management: Anaesthetics and pain management
  3. Pain management: Waltham Forest Community Persistent Pain Management Service.
  4. Palliative care: Barts Cancer Centre
  5. Pathology: Pathology
  6. Patients Know Best: Patients Know Best
  7. Perfusion: Barts Heart Centre
  8. Pharmacy: Pharmacy
  9. Phlebotomy: Phlebotomy (blood tests) and other lab test samples
  10. Physiotherapy: Barts Thorax Centre
  11. Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy
  12. Play therapy: Meet the play team
  13. Play therapy: Young Barts Health
  14. Pre-conception counselling: Maternity
  15. Pre-operative assessment: Pre-operative assessment
  16. Pregnancy: Maternity
  17. Pregnancy choices: Gynaecology
  18. Prescriptions: Pharmacy