Half a million pound investment makes Whipps Cross dementia friendly | Our news

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Half a million pound investment makes Whipps Cross dementia friendly

Transformation of Birch Ward

Half a million pound investment makes Whipps Cross dementia friendly

Whipps Cross Hospital has invested half a million pounds to become dementia friendly, improving the experience and safety of people living with dementia.

Thanks to Barts Charity, half a million pounds has seen five wards overhauled with safer flooring, relaxing day rooms for patients and an improved ward layout meaning staff are closer to patients.

Ward signage has been redeveloped to be more easily understood by people with dementia, and all areas now benefit from artwork including photographs taken by local people as part of a competition to brighten up the spaces.

Lucy Cosgrove, Dementia Clinical Nurse Specialist and project lead said: “We’re seeing more and more patients living with dementia coming to the hospital so we want to make sure that they can get better in an environment that will aid their recovery.

“It was important for me that we got patients, staff and the wider community involved in this project and I’m glad that so many gave their views and submitted their photos to the photography competition we held earlier this year. I am incredibly proud to see their ideas come to fruition as well as seeing all the improvements to the wards.”

Fiona Miller-Smith, Chief Executive of Barts Charity said:

“We’re very proud that the charity’s funding has enabled such significant improvements in the care of patients who are living with dementia. The refurbishment has transformed the environment not just for these patients, but for their families and the staff too.”

Day room in Victory and Peace Wards

Victory and Peace Ward day room


Syringa Ward and Sycamore Ward

Syringa Ward and Sycamore Ward


Birch Ward day room

Birch ward day room


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