Hospital garden opens to support people with dementia | Our news

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Hospital garden opens to support people with dementia

Patients and families at Newham Hospital can now enjoy a new garden space

Patients and families at Newham Hospital can now enjoy a new garden space, opened particularly for people living with dementia.

Just in time for summer, and launched during National Dementia Awareness Week, the garden contains scented and brightly coloured flowers as well as moving ornaments. The tailored design offers a beneficial change of scenery to stimulate the senses and aid relaxation.

Based on research, staff hope that offering a break from the hospital environment will help to keep people with dementia or severe confusion calm, and therefore better able to receive and respond to treatment.

Heidi Peakman, Director of Nursing at Newham Hospital, said: “The sensory garden is a fantastic new feature for all of our patients and families. We particularly hope that it will support people living with dementia as part of our commitment to providing them with the best possible hospital experience.” 

The garden was paid for by fundraising events organised by the hospital’s dementia and delirium team, including bake sales. Staff also donated plants.

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With a turnover of £1.4 billion and a workforce of around 16,000, Barts Health is the largest NHS trust in the country, and one of Britain’s leading healthcare providers. The Trust’s five hospitals – St Bartholomew’s Hospital in the City, including the Barts Heart Centre, The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel, Newham University Hospital in Plaistow, Whipps Cross University Hospital in Leytonstone and Mile End – deliver high quality compassionate care to the 2.5 million people of East London and beyond.


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