Barts Hearts shortlisted for two awards  | Our news

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Barts Hearts shortlisted for two awards 

Barts Hearts logo with a tagline of spread the love

Barts Hearts, a bespoke peer-to-peer recognition platform, has been shortlisted for two 2024 Nursing Times Workforce Awards.  

These prestigious awards recognise outstanding efforts in nurse recruitment and retention, wellbeing, inclusion, and other key areas addressing the ongoing workforce challenges in health and social care.  

Barts Hearts has been shortlisted in both the "Best staff wellbeing initiative" and "Best employer for staff recognition and engagement" categories.  

The platform, funded by Barts Charity, is designed to celebrate everyday acts of kindness among our colleagues, volunteers and external contractors and is earning widespread acclaim in the healthcare community.   

The platform enables users to send a heart with a personalised message of gratitude, helping to further establish a culture of kindness across the organisation. Every month, users get five hearts to share and staff who receive five hearts can select a reward.  

Louise Hicks, our deputy director of nursing, said:  

“Getting a Barts Heart is really special and spending time writing the short note reminds you how important it is to value others. Reading the messages between people and teams is a pure prescription of joy!”  

  Georgina McKenzie-Hurry, events and communications officer, said:

“We’ve had over 58,000 messages shared across the platform so far which is amazing. We are incredibly proud of the levels of engagement we’ve had from our staff. It’s far exceeded our expectations, and I can’t wait to see the platform continue to grow. Our team are thrilled to be shortlisted.”  

The Nursing Times Workforce Awards will take place in London on Thursday 28 November.  



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  1. Claire Davis Friday, 23 August 2024 at 04:45 PM

    Well done to Ros and George for their fabulous work on this. We love Barts Hearts!

  2. Mark Warren Tuesday, 27 August 2024 at 03:28 PM

    This is great news, well done all. I also love BH Hearts.

  3. Jacqueline Catalano Tuesday, 27 August 2024 at 04:57 PM

    Excellent, well done to you both. Its lovely to receive a Barts Heart from your work collegues
    makes you feel really appreciated.

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