Meet Shabana, staff nurse, Newham | #Shape your story in A&E blogs

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#Shapeyourstory as an A&E nurse

RLH ED nurse on helipad

Meet Shabana, staff nurse, Newham

I love it because we are such a diverse group of people working in such a diverse community. I love the fact that we all work so well together and that there is such a lot of support between us.

Our department is fast-paced and very busy with patients from different backgrounds and religions. I enjoy learning about their cultures as I continue learning medical practice.

My interest started at 19 when I was a health care assistant. I went on to do nursing when I was 26 and did all my placements in A&E. Some of those placements were here at Newham and I just loved the fast pace and the way the team gelled, so I decided this was where I wanted to make my career. I have been here for 15 years now and I still love it.

When I got here there was so much training. I started with the preceptorship and then moved on to the ED emergency care course and the trauma course. All the time I was becoming more confident and much more skilled. Now we have an amazing development nurse that works with us and lets us know of any updates.

Everything is very flexible and they are very keen on our wellbeing. There was a lot of stress during Covid-19 for example, but we had access to therapists throughout the pandemic.

That was the most memorable time for me. You would see someone really unwell and then get to see them actually walk out, knowing that you have helped them do that. You’ve made an impact. You have helped save a life. What can be more satisfying than that?

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