Meet Jessica, staff nurse, The Royal London | #Shape your story in A&E blogs

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#Shapeyourstory as an A&E nurse

RLH ED nurse on helipad

Meet Jessica, staff nurse, The Royal London

Nurse at The Royal London Hospital emergency department

I had such a great experience in two emergency department placements at Barts Health that I decided I want to make my career in ED.

The team here at The Royal London is amazing and I was welcome from day one, and then of course no two days are the same. As a junior nurse I am learning all the time and have developed a variety of ED competencies with the support of the senior nurses.

We have regular catch-ups and appraisals to discuss plans and map out pathways into my developing career. I would say to anyone that this is a great place to learn and develop yourself as a senior nurse.

If you’re looking for a change of pace, you’re working in a dynamic team here at The Royal London. We have a great mix of patients and we’re dealing with the full range of issues, from minor injury to really complex cases.

One of the things that is very special is that you can tell immediately that everyone loves what they do and we are all learning something new every day.

My proudest moment so far came very recently when I had a very sick patient who needed a lot of intervention in resus. We all worked hard to stabilise that patient for safe transfer to theatre. A few weeks later that same patient walked back into ED to thank us. It’s a privilege isn’t it? Every day we get the chance to make a difference to someone on one of the most critical days in their lives. 

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