Meet Cheska, staff nurse, Newham | #Shape your story in A&E blogs

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#Shapeyourstory as an A&E nurse

RLH ED nurse on helipad

Meet Cheska, staff nurse, Newham

You never know what is coming through the door so it is different every day.

That’s why I wanted to be an A&E nurse; I am always learning and making a difference in people’s lives when they need us most.

Newham is one of the hospitals in Barts Health NHS Trust, one of the biggest Trusts in the UK. We are really multi-cultural with a great atmosphere and the thing that unites us all is to bring a quality service and safe nursing care to our community.

Everyone - managers, doctors, consultants and nurses - are all very friendly and supportive, and I have had all the training and simulations to stay up to date with trends in nursing practice. As a band 5 I was also given the chance to enrol on an A&E course.

I have some real friends here, and there are endless opportunities. Of course, it is stressful and tough at times, but you are never on your own, and they are always ready to support you. It is fast-paced and I have learned to respond quickly especially when we are making lifesaving interventions. I can’t imagine anything more rewarding.

One moment it can be calm and peaceful, the next frenetically busy, but you adapt quickly and I love the complexity and dynamics of A&E. I do really love what I do.

Even during COVID, which at times was overwhelming, I was always learning and always supported. Horrible as that pandemic was, I would still say that it was my proudest moment in A&E.

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