Live car free for June | Sustainability at Barts Health

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Live car free for June

Challenge yourself to live car free for the first two weeks of June, leading up to Clean Air Day on 16 June. Swap everyday journeys you would normally do by car for walking, cycling or public transport.

We’re looking for people who normally drive some journeys, so that taking part in car free June can provide an idea of life without a car – and any potential benefits or barriers to this. The reason for this is that road vehicles are the single biggest cause of London’s huge air pollution problem – so as individuals, reducing our car use can make a real impact on our air quality.

We have 14 Brompton Folding Electric Bikes to lend to staff for the challenge. Live in a hilly area? No problem – the motor will assist you to cycle along in style. Live far from work? No problem – the bike folds down really small for train travel. 

Up for it? Contact the Green at Barts Health team for more information and to sign up!

What's in it for you?

Evidence shows that a third of journeys under 2km in London are taken by car. But what’s in it for you if you swap?

  • Saves time: 2km is a 30-minute walk or 10-minute bike ride. In traffic, driving 2km can take much longer in a car! 
  • Saves  money : no more parking fees, no need to spend £££ at the pump, get your exercise done while your travel instead of forking out at the gym
  • Saves lives: increased cycling and walking prevents early deathsCycling in particular is fantastic for health, reducing the risk of cancer by 45% and heart disease by 46%. The risk of injury is outweighed by benefit to health by 20:1
  • Great for your mental health and wellbeing: compared with car travel, active commuters have significantly better overall psychological wellbeing
  • Reduce your air pollution exposure: as well as being emission free, an active commute can also reduce your own exposure to air pollution 

What if:

…I’m not confident cycling on the roads?

  • London Cycle Campaign can provide support from Cycle Buddies for NHS staff to help you ride confidently and find a safe route to work. 

…I don’t know how to find the best route to work?

…I don’t have a helmet? 

  • We can help you find all the equipment you need – lights are already integrated onto the bikes. 

How else can you get involved with living sustainably?

If it’s not possible this time or you already live car free, please do join us for our other Clean Air Day events, including a whole trust car swap challenge (without the commitment to be completely car free!), webinars, a podcast and other activities which we can share with you shortly.

There are also various options in London to hire e-bikes for short periods to try them out: try PeddleMyWheels, or CarryMe Bikes, and if you need a confidence and skills boost, the London cycling campaign run a Cycle Buddies scheme especially for NHS staff.

Find out more

Green at Barts Health

Keeping fit and active

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