Celebrating Mohammad's prestigious surgery award | Stow-ries

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Celebrating Mohammad's prestigious surgery award

Congratulations to Mohammad Sharif, former Educational Fellow for Surgery (2023-2024), who has been awarded the esteemed Silver Scissors Award (2025) by the Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT). This national recognition honours the most outstanding FY2 (Foundation Year 2) - CT2 (Core Trainee 2) level doctor who goes above and beyond to support and inspire surgical trainees.

The selection process for this award is highly competitive, involving an intense nomination process, detailed assessments, 360-degree feedback, and interviews. Mohammad’s success is a testament to his exceptional contributions to the general surgery and urology departments at Whipps Cross, where he has made a lasting impact on both colleagues and trainees. Many consultants played a role in his nomination, reflecting the high regard in which he is held.

Mr Janso Joseph, Locum Consultant Surgeon at Barts Health said: “Mohammad’s achievement is a testament to his dedication, leadership, and the outstanding support he provides to surgical trainees. Winning this award is a great honour, and we are incredibly proud of his contributions to his colleagues and our hospital. Congratulations, Mohammad, on this well-deserved recognition."

Mohammad Sharif group photo at ASit awards Mohammad Sharif silver scissors award Mohammad Sharif AsiT Award plaque

Mohammad is currently working at Whipps Cross Hospital as a Urology registrar and hopes to continue his work during this year. All of this would not have been possible without the education academy and the simulation team, and the support of the consultants. 

You can view a video of the award and ASiT’s official announcement here.

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