We're record-breaking finalists | Our news

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We're record-breaking finalists

For the first time ever Barts Health NHS Trust has topped the list of finalists in the HSJ Awards, earning nominations in eight categories.  

Our nominations are diverse and impressive: from the first-of-its-kind Mile End partnership that helps to spot cancer sooner, to an innovative pathway that reduces hospital length of stay, enhances patient experience and improves outcomes for heart patients.

Group CEO Shane DeGaris said:

This is a fantastic achievement and a true testament to the outstanding efforts and work of our Barts Health colleagues over the past year.  Despite ongoing challenges and demands across the NHS, they continue to provide the best possible care for our communities and should all be very proud of their successes.

The shortlisted projects are:

  • Integrated Care Initiative of the Year: for our collaborative work with East London Foundation Trust to optimise flow in accident and emergency and acute settings at The Royal London.
  • Digitising Patient Care Award: a project from the Barts Heart Centre - Digitalisation of Electrocardiograms (ECGs): Service development from online requesting to delivering online ECGs
  • Driving Efficiency Through Technology: The ATLAS Pathway: Virtual Ward and Outpatient Angiography for low risk patients presenting with Acute Coronary Syndromes
  • Medicines, Pharmacy & Prescribing Initiative of the Year: a collaboration with North East London ICB, Queen Mary University of London and UCLPartners - specialist pharmacy led cardiovascular risk factor management in primary care: A population health management approach
  • Modernising Diagnostics Award: Mile End Hospital Early Diagnostics Centre, with North East London Cancer Alliance and North East London Imaging Network 
  • Reducing Healthcare Inequalities for Children and Young People Award: Equity in care for children with Retinoblastoma and a paradigm shift in its detection
  • Staff Wellbeing Award: Staff Cardiovascular Diseases Health Checks
  • Performance Recovery Award: Royal London Hospital Imaging Recovery Team

Winners will be announced during the awards ceremony on 16 November. Best of luck to all our finalists! See the full shortlist here.

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  1. Titilayo Akinwonmi-Pedro Sunday, 10 September 2023 at 12:50 AM

    This is an amazing news and O am so proud of Barts Health NHS Trust

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