Waiting for your test results? Save time and check online | Our news

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Waiting for your test results? Save time and check online

Female patient getting a blood test by healthcare professional
From this week patients who are signed up to   Patients Know Best can check their blood test results as part of an exciting new feature. Now with over 100,000 users, the online portal works through the NHS App and currently provides information on hospital appointments, clinic letters, and discharge summaries.

For one of our patients, Nazmul, it was surprisingly easy to sign up and find all the information they needed:   

I have been pleasantly surprised about how intuitive and informative the app is.  It's a level above the NHS App… the hospital information, including results from MRI scans, being made available on my phone is going to make it easier for thousands of people.

Patients can still contact our hospitals by phone , however we receive a high volume of calls and our lines can get very busy . So if you want to check when your next appointment is or if your test results are available, it is quicker and easier to find out on Patients Know Best. As Nazmul says:   

No longer will I need to chase for results. The level of information within the app makes it feel as though I'm talking to a member of admin staff.

As part of the new update, blood test results will be uploaded along with guidance to help interpret them. Any sensitive findings will be communicated to patients by their healthcare team before they appear in the portal. For questions about your care, contact details can be found at the top of every document within the portal.   

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  1. Malalia Monday, 4 March 2024 at 09:58 PM

    I’m trying to find my blood test results

  2. Foysol Tuesday, 5 March 2024 at 02:28 PM

    Hi Malalia, please reach out to our support desk: bartshealth.pkb@nhs.net and we can get this sorted for you.
    Thank you

  3. Susara Lodewyks Wednesday, 22 May 2024 at 03:49 PM

    I can see my test results

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