Volunteers go above and beyond at St Bartholomew’s | Our news

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Volunteers go above and beyond at St Bartholomew’s

SBH volunteer

For Volunteers Week we’re celebrating the hard work of our volunteers at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, the wellbeing support they provide staff and the role they have played in our response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our dedicated volunteers offer practical and emotional support to our patients, provide a helping hand for our staff and act as a friendly face for visitors.

They are able to support the hospital in a number of ways, from welcoming and directing visitors to giving out refreshments on the wards or chatting to patients.

During the peak of the pandemic at St Bartholomew’s, volunteers would help screen between 200 – 300 patients and visitors per day and deliver personal belongings to up to 30 patients per day.

On average 10 patients per day also had their items found through lost property with the help of our volunteers.

Covid-19 active response volunteers such as Niamh Ryan and Jennifer Hague act as runners to support staff with activities that can help save  time so they are able to concentrate on patient care.

In addition, they support clinical wellbeing by ensuring staff are refreshed and hydrate during busy and challenging shifts.

Niamh said: “As a volunteer during the pandemic I have been able to experience a range of roles within St Bartholomew’s Hospital.

“I started volunteering because I had lots of spare time with university classes being online and I wanted to contribute to my community, especially during the pandemic.

“I have loved making teas and coffees for patients on the chemotherapy ward and talking to them about their experiences.

“I’m also very grateful for the interactions I’ve had with so many lovely people when working on the Covid-19 screening team. I have found the entire experience very rewarding.”

Jennifer said: “I wanted to become a volunteer is because the NHS has been there to help us all in our time of need.

“I have personal reasons for wishing to give back and this was, for me, one of the best things that I could do.”

During the pandemic St John Ambulance volunteers also worked alongside our current volunteers and redeployed staff to provide reassurance to patients.

Their role is particularly important in helping to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the hospital and making sure patients are in good health before they have their procedures.

Find out how you can apply to   become a volunteer at Barts Health

You can hear from more volunteers below:

“I used to come to St Bartholomew’s when my husband was being treated and I understand the anxiety that the patients and visitors feel when they come into hospital. 

“I wanted to help provide the same support that I had received when my husband was here.”

Doreen Friend

“After retiring from the police I wanted to give back to the community and the NHS was where I thought it was best to do so.”

Peggy Walsh

“After my husband passed away at St Bartholomew’s I saw an advertisement that they wanted help in the shop and I wanted to give back.”

Carol Shepherd

"Volunteering at St Bartholomew’s gave me a sense of purpose during the pandemic, and did more for me than you can imagine. Thank you for this opportunity.”

Veronica Colgate

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