The winners of the 2024 Inclusion Awards have been revealed! | Our news

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The winners of the 2024 Inclusion Awards have been revealed!

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2024 WeBelong Inclusion Awards

On Monday 16 September, colleagues gathered to celebrate our second annual Inclusion Awards. The awards showcase the dedication from individuals and teams across the Trust in fostering an inclusive environment for both staff and patients.

Delvir Mehet, associate director of inclusion, said of the day:

Yesterday was a truly inspiring day with some very deep reflective speakers describing their journey to ensuring a fairer and more inclusive workplace. We received over 100 nominations and yesterday was an opportunity to celebrate the best practice happening across every corner of our organisation. Knowing we have the full support from our Trust Board gives us courage and hope that we will create the right compassionate and inclusive organisation where civility, kindness and respect is at the heart of everything we do.

A very well done to all of our winners and highly commended colleagues who are going above and beyond in this very important space – thank you!

And the winner's are...

  • Inclusion in the Community award: Renal dietitians at The Royal London and Mile End Hospitals

The renal dietetics team have been supporting our work to open opportunities to people in our community by providing placements for people all of whom have secured paid roles.

  • Reducing Health Inequalities award: Patient Safety Team at Whipps Cross Hospital

The team identified that inequalities existed in the way that skin and wound care affect people with darker skin colour. Through a QI project to identify solutions a new assessment framework and training programme have been developed.

  • The Allyship award: Tara Mastracci

Tara has set up a Social Prescribing Network bringing together people in the Trust and beyond to work together to improve and enhance social welfare support for our patients. 

  • Advancing Equality award: David Lowe

David has made a significant and lasting impact on Inclusion through his dedicated work on the International Medical Graduate (IMG) Induction Programme and Late-Stage Career Conversations for Medics – this has been recognised nationally.

  • D&I Influencer of the Year award: Maudrian Burton

Maudrian is extremely passionate about making Barts Health a fair, inclusive and progressive place to work and has shown dedication including delivering CQ, being an Inclusion ambassador and supporting Staff Diversity Networks.

  • Employee Network Site Lead award: Women's Network (CW) and Julie Ballesteros (joint winners)

The Women’s Network has continued to excel in its support for staff across the organisation including its focus on the campaign around Sexual Safety, menopause support, and access to period products.

Julie has worked with the other BME site lead colleagues in Newham and revitalised the network, celebrating the diversity at Newham and supporting colleagues with practical issues such as immigration status and family, money matters and accommodation.

  • CEO's award: Shaista Mehtab and Joscia Philip 

Shaista's unwavering commitment and exceptional efforts in supporting international medical graduates (IMGs). Shaista created a pocketbook guide specifically designed to assist IMGs and this guide has become an essential resource for new international recruits, helping them navigate their new environment.  Shaista's efforts have not only fostered an inclusive and supportive environment for IMGs but have also strengthened our Trust’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Joscia advocated for BME patients and those that do not often have a voice, she truly represents for her community as well as her colleagues given them the opportunity and support they need. Her work, often done behind the scenes, has made a profound difference as she has the ability to connect with patients on a personal level and understand their unique needs has led to significant improvements in patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Congratulations to all our winners and nominees — you truly embody the meaning of inclusivity! Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote for and celebrate their colleagues. 


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