The end of an era | Our news

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The end of an era

Today, the NHS Covid-19 vaccination centre, Newham – based at ExCeL London – is closing its doors. One of the original large-scale vaccination centres to open in London (and indeed the UK), it has lived up to its name and delivered over 130,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine in just six months.

While the centre was run by Barts Health, it has been a truly collaborative effort between the Trust and partner organisations, namely London Ambulance Service, St. John Ambulance, Barts Health Volunteers and staff at ExCeL London.

As well as delivering vaccines on site at ExCeL London, the team also delivered thousands of vaccines to people in their own local community, via outreach clinics. These were coordinated and delivered in collaboration with local councils, faith groups and public health colleagues, once again showing the power of collaboration in delivering Covid-19 vaccines.

While this is the end road for the centre at ExCeL London, it’s not the end of Barts Health journey with Covid-19 vaccines. Because while one centre closes its doors, another opens. The new centre, which opens Saturday 26th June, will be based on The Street at Westfield, and is offering both first and second doses of Covid-19 vaccines to people aged 18 and over.

A huge well done and thank you to all the staff who have been involved in delivering Covid-19 vaccines at the Newham vaccination centre at ExCeL London. And to all the staff joining us on this next stage of the journey – thank you for your continued support. Let’s get started!  

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