Staff share Covid-19 vaccine messages in 19 languages | Our news

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Staff share Covid-19 vaccine messages in 19 languages

Staff at Barts Health NHS Trust have rallied together to encourage everyone to have a Covid-19 vaccine, sharing messages in their mother tongue.

The messages are shared in 19 different languages, including: Punjabi, Yoruba, Turkish, Somali and Urdu.

It is hoped that by sharing these messages in multiple different languages, they will be accessible to more people. And that they will be more likely to reach people in different communities, including Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, where insights show there more likely to be mistrust and hesitancy around having a vaccine

The messages explain why it’s important to get a vaccine and dispell myths surrounding them. For example, some belive that having a Covid-19 vaccine affects fertility in women and men but this is not true.

By spreading accurate information that is accessible to more people, we hope that everyone will have a vaccine when they are invited to do so.

Six keys messages 

The Covid-19 vaccines are vegetarian

The Covid-19 vaccine protects us, our families and the NHS

The Covid-19 vaccine, wearing a mask and social distancing are our best defences against Covid-19

It is not mandatory to have the Covid-19 vaccine but it will protect you and those you care about

Getting the Covid-19 vaccine will help us get back to normal

The Covid-19 vaccines do not affect fertility

Are you a staff member at Barts Health and notice there’s a language you speak which isn’t included? Let us know! We want to extend the key messages to include a wide as possible selection of languages that truly represent our community.

Find out more about the Covid-19 vaccines on the Barts Health website and on our YouTube channel. 


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  1. Catherine Adeniji Friday, 23 April 2021 at 07:44 PM

    This is a welcome idea. Can Nigerian Pidgin English be a part of this project?. Sierra Leone and Nigeria are from West Africa and both speaks Pidgin English. Staff from these communities will find it useful.

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