Ritesh has shaved his head for Barts Charity! | Our news

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Ritesh has shaved his head for Barts Charity!

Ritesh Mistry, Admin Clerk in Medical Records at Whipps Cross Hospital has shaved his head to raise funds for Barts Charity during the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said of the challenge: “I decided to do it to bring more support to our beloved NHS staff. I have been a part of the trust for over five years, across multiple sites and fields, working in Medical Records and the clinical labs too. I’m 25 years old and consider myself a local boy who was also born at Whipps Cross Hospital. I’ve seen the hospital change over the years, but the work ethic has always been the same, which is to deliver the best possible service.”

“I know that staff are working tirelessly to tackle the pandemic. We are all in this together and I know how tough these times are for everyone but I want to support our key workers however I can.”

Ritesh said he “feels fresh and revitalised” with his new hairstyle.

Ritesh is receiving donations up until Friday 1 May. Visit his Virgin Money Giving page to donate to Barts Charity.


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  1. Robert Brown Thursday, 2 April 2020 at 01:28 PM

    looks much better like that mr

  2. ClinBiochemRLH Friday, 24 April 2020 at 10:43 AM

    Very proud of you Ritesh from all your old colleagues at Whipps X Pathology.

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