‘Project Wingman’ coming to the Royal London | Our news

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‘Project Wingman’ coming to the Royal London

Looking out of an airplane window at night

With Covid-19 temporarily grinding the aviation industry to a halt, airline crew from across the industry have come together to form ‘Project Wingman’, an initiative aimed at supporting the wellbeing of frontline NHS staff during the pandemic.

The project is utilising grounded pilots and cabin crew from a number of different airlines such as BA, Titan, and Easyjet, who have certain skill sets that are ideal for supporting staff during this extremely stressful time. 

Having already gathered momentum with 4000 volunteers in 25 hospitals and counting, the concept is to create a ‘First Class Lounge’ in identified areas of hospitals to which staff can come before, during, or after their shifts to switch off and be looked after by uniformed aircrew for the duration of their break.

Project Wingman will be coming to the Royal London Hospital and will occupy a corner of the Healing Space on the 7th floor, launching next Tuesday 12 May on International Nurses Day.

Working alongside Barts Health volunteers and Royal London psychologists, members of the aircrew will be on hand for a chat and to provide refreshments 7-days a week (initially), between the hours of 9:30-20:00.

more information on Project Wingman.


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