Priority seating for Whipps Cross outpatients | Our news

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Priority seating for Whipps Cross outpatients

Priority seating has been introduced in our outpatients department to help our patients who may need a little extra care.

Inspired by Transport for London’s priority seating, Wade Norcott, general manager for outpatients, came up with the idea of putting stickers on some of the chairs in the waiting area that encourage able bodied patients to give up their seat for someone who may need it more.

Outpatients can get very busy, with almost half a million patients being seen each year, so the waiting area can become very full.

The signs are dementia-friendly and have a yellow background with dark writing as this is known to be more easily read and they’ve already received great feedback.


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  1. Hummy Friday, 20 December 2019 at 09:50 AM

    This is a great idea!

  2. Adam Farish Tuesday, 31 December 2019 at 02:08 PM


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