Patient experience team win prestigious national award | Our news

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Patient experience team win prestigious national award

The patient experience team at Barts Health celebrated a big win in the PENNA (Patient Experience Network National Awards) last week for their work in championing the use of insights to improve patient experience.

The winning submission, 'Valuing Patient and Community Voices’ featured several projects that were delivered over the past year:

  • Increasing uptake of the Friends and Family test (FFT). The FFT is an important way to capture feedback from our patients. Thanks to various initiatives, we increased our responses by 85%, going from 6,658 in June 2022 to 12,365 responses this year.
  • Developing We statements. The team ran a co-design workshop that brought together staff, patient representatives, and community leaders to define our patient experience ambitions for 2025. Insights from various sources were used to identify where we’re doing well and our areas for improvement, which resulted in the creation of five ‘We Statements’. These statements describe our commitment to patients. All staff, in all roles, use them to help ensure that we listen to patients and deliver excellent patient experiences for all.
  • Patient personae. A patient segmentation project that combined quantitative data with patient stories. This staff training tool, developed as a result of 50 interviews and focus groups, makes it easier for staff to understand and empathise with the challenges faced by our patients.

Nikant Ailawadi, Director of Patient Experience and Insight said:

"Given the diversity of our communities, its fitting that we lead the way in ensuring that our patients have a say by co-producing what a great patient experience means for them. The quality of entries this year was outstanding, so I am really pleased that our approach to combining insights, patient experience and engagement has been recognised at a national level. It was an honour to receive this on behalf of everyone working to improve the patient experience."

The PEN National Awards celebrate the delivery of outstanding patient experience by those involved in the health and social care industry. Entries are judged by a panel of expert peers. The team were also finalists in a second category for their work in ‘Tackling health inequalities within the Somali Community in North East London’.

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  1. Sarah Byrne Tuesday, 3 October 2023 at 01:56 PM

    Well done team...really important work and so good to celebrate your achievement...

  2. Okechukwu Arinze Friday, 6 October 2023 at 07:37 AM

    Well everyone involved in making this happen. Congrats on this great achievement!

  3. Reza Miah Friday, 6 October 2023 at 04:39 PM

    Congratulations everyone, great team work and of course deserved achievement.

  4. Stephen Vaughan Tuesday, 10 October 2023 at 09:47 AM

    Well done team PPE is a challenging endeavour.

  5. Nancy Whiskin Tuesday, 10 October 2023 at 10:25 AM

    That is amazing - well done and well deserved!

  6. Anita Sam Wednesday, 11 October 2023 at 09:51 AM


  7. Pat Ogungbesan Thursday, 12 October 2023 at 01:32 PM

    Great work! Congratulations to the team!

  8. Shereen Nimmo Thursday, 12 October 2023 at 03:24 PM


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