Over 300 free massages provided for staff

More than 300 massages have been provided to staff by students of the University of East London Sports Department, with 99.5% of staff providing positive feedback.
The service, which started in March, forms part of Newham Hospital’s wellbeing offer and takes place every Monday and Wednesday.
Using a combination of massage techniques, the wellbeing treatment de-stresses the mind and body, helping staff to feel relaxed and at peace. The massage therapy is also designed to ease muscle tension and alleviate aches and pains.
Shella Jardiniano from the critical care outreach team said: "Thank you, I feel revived - the team really worked on the muscles. My body feels mended and aligned again.The best massage - Thank you. Came in feeling stressed and left feeling relaxed and happy!"
Staff nurse Chola Mukalulu (pictured) said: "I was not even aware that I could have knots in my body. I didn’t even realise just how tense I was until Bruce (the massage therapist) picked up on this. The massage made me feel very relaxed and all the tension has eased off. Big thank you to the wellbeing team. I look forward to the massage sessions every Monday and Wednesday."
Charge nurse Rowena Martinez said: “I made a very good decision to have a 10 minute massage from UEL student Bruce. It felt like an hour! It was one of the best massages I’ve experienced. Will definitely comeback once the workloads allows me.”
As well as helping to benefit staff wellbeing, the massage service is an important component of the work experience placement module which students at the University of East London are required to complete.
All students, who provide the service, are enrolled on the BSc Hons Sports Therapy course at the University of East London. This professional healthcare programme is accredited by the Society of Sports Therapists. Each student is studying musculoskeletal health management, functional anatomy, soft tissue therapy, pathology, rehabilitation, strength and conditioning and nutrition.
Following the success of the initial pilot massage service, there are plans for the service to continue on an ongoing long-term basis. Book a massage now.