One year of spreading the love | Our news

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One year of spreading the love

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More than 85,000 messages of everyday acts of kindness and recognition have been shared by our staff following the launch of Barts Hearts.  

The peer-to-peer online platform allows colleagues to give ‘hearts’ to one another and share messages of appreciation which can be viewed by our staff. 

Since its launch on Valentine’s Day last year just under 15,000 staff members have received at least one heart and over 11,000 have taken the time to send one.  

Healthcare assistant, Mohamad Rujbally who is based at Whipps Cross, is one of those who has received the most hearts.  

He said: “For me, the platform really motivates you and it’s great to get feedback from colleagues that you are doing a good job. Then with the rewards, it is really special as it is a token of your good work and has the Barts Hearts logo so people know what you have got it for.  

“I feel really valued and makes me want to send hearts back in return. ”  

Staff who receive five hearts can exchange them for a reward and since the launch, more than 8,000 have been handed out.  

The platform is also open to external contractors and volunteers, ensuring it is inclusive and accessible to everyone in the Barts Health family.  

Roy George, a medical records clerk, said: “Barts Hearts is really amazing because we can share our happiness with our people.   

“I also feel happy that someone is reminding me that you are part of this team. You are doing a good job. There is some kind of inspiration in that that also helps motivate you.”  

Funding for the platform was provided through a £850,000 grant from Barts Charity and has won awards for its success. In November 2024, Barts Health won best employer for Staff Recognition and Engagement for Barts Hearts at the Nursing Times Workforce Awards .  

Daniel Waldron, director of people at Barts Health NHS Trust, said: “Barts Hearts has been a fantastic tool which allows staff to send messages of support to colleagues.  

“Around a third of staff use the platform weekly and they have told us it helps boost morale and makes them feel recognised in their job.”  

The next year will see a few changes being made to streamline the rewards process and allow staff to pick up their rewards sooner. 

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  1. Francis Appiah Thursday, 20 February 2025 at 11:06 AM

    Thanks 😊

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