Newham Hospital postnatal care service goes paperlite  | Our news

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Newham Hospital postnatal care service goes paperlite 

The maternity team at Newham Hospital will be paperlite for almost all aspects of postnatal care documentation, saving time and improving accuracy. 

The paperlite initiative will begin on 29 March 2021 and will mean all paper documentation will become digitised, excluding some drug charts charts. 

Previously, all documentation needed to be handwritten in the hand-held notes of women receiving care. Now, this information will be recorded on Cerner Millennium. 

Going paperlite will be beneficial for both staff and the women and families who are recieving care. Benefits include:

  • allowing secure data sharing between healthcare professionals and women
  • enabling more time to be spent with patients due to increased staff productivity
  • helping to achieve more effective clinical governance 
  • improving accessibility to notes

The ultimate aim will be make all maternity documentation electronic, in line with the Barts Health objective to become a paperless NHS. 

For more information, please contact Crystal Jaiyesimi, digital midwife at Newham Hospital. 


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