Newham Hospital domestic supervisor shortlisted for National Award | Our news

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Newham Hospital domestic supervisor shortlisted for National Award

Salick Mahungoo, a SERCO domestic supervisor at Newham Hospital has been shortlisted for a Who Cares Wins awards, run by the Sun.

One of three finalists in his category (Unsung Heroes), Salick was nominated for his incredible hard work at the hospital during the Covid-19 pandemic.

During the pandemic, Salick led his team in the regular changing and cleaning of wards. A sometimes overlooked cog in the wheel, he and his colleagues play a vital role in the safe and efficient running of Newham Hospital. When wards needed to be changed from a Covid-19 to non-Covid-19 ward, he was on hand to thoroughly clean them to the high infection prevention control standards required. And he did it all with a smile and a sense of pride.

Andrew and Salick

Dr Andrew Kelso, Medical Director of Newham Hospital, who put Salick forward for the award says: “The important, hard work that Salick did and the way he led his team during the whole of the pandemic cannot be underestimated. Often, domestic staff are overlooked. But the fact of the matter is no hospital could run without them and their hard work. The pandemic highlighted this even more. I’m so proud that Salick and by association his wider team, are being recognised for their invaluable efforts over the last 20 months.”

Reacting to the news that he was shortlisted for an award, Salick said: “I’m shocked but very happy. This isn’t just for me though – it’s for my whole team and my managers. I couldn’t have done it without them and their support. This is as much for them as it is for me.”

Salick, who has two children, worked many a late night at Newham Hospital during the peaks of the pandemic, ensuring the hospital could keep treating patients in wards that were thoroughly cleaned and safe. Like other staff, he often had to wear PPE while he worked long hours which wasn’t comfortable for him. And when he’d go home after work, the first thing his young daughter would say is ‘Daddy, first have a shower, then I’ll hug you’.

Salick – and his team – truly are unsung heroes and this nomination is very well deserved. Congratulations Salick!

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  1. Anil Kumar Guntupalli Wednesday, 15 September 2021 at 02:00 PM

    congratulations Salick Mahungoo.. Good Job ..Well done..

  2. Reza Miah Thursday, 16 September 2021 at 08:39 AM

    Well done Salick, you truly deserve this honour after many years of hard work behind the scene. Well done and keep up the good work, as your hard work makes the difference to Patient experience.

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