New vaccination site to open on The Street at Westfield Stratford City | Our news

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New vaccination site to open on The Street at Westfield Stratford City

Outside view of Covid-19 vaccination centre in Westfield, Stratford

The NHS in London will open an additional Covid-19 vaccination centre at Westfield Stratford City shopping centre next month, in preparation for younger Londoners being called for their first Covid-19 vaccines.

The new NHS Covid-19 vaccination centre on The Street at Westfield, will be run by Barts Health NHS Trust.

Resource for the centre will relocate from the NHS Covid-19 vaccination centre, Newham at ExCeL London after it closes at the end of June 2021. The centre at ExCeL London was always intended to run for a finite period of time. And now, as Covid-19 restrictions start to ease, and ExCeL London, and its staff, prepare to once again host events at the centre, the decision has been made to close this vaccination centre.

The option to book at vaccine at the NHS Covid-19 vaccination centre on The Street at Westfield will appear on the National Booking System in due course. In the meantime, people can still book to have their first dose of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine at the Newham vaccination centre at ExCeL London by calling (07526 971 977) or emailing them.

They can also book via the National Booking System. If they do this, they can either select an alternative site for their second dose or contact the Newham vaccination centre team (call: 07526 971 977; email) to arrange to have their second dose at the new site on The Street at Westfield when it’s open.

The new centre, which is expected to be delivering the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, is will be open from 8:30am – 7pm.

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  1. Nathalie Glover Tuesday, 8 June 2021 at 04:55 PM

    I work as a bank vaccinator have done a shift at excel completed all stat and mandatory training to be a vaccinator, have only administered Astra- Zeneca how does one go about being able to administer Pfizer and Moderna?

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