New name badges to help the visually impaired | Our news

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New name badges to help the visually impaired

Through its Inclusion Forum, Barts Health NHS Trust launched the #BartsAbility project earlier in the year to listen to the views of its disabled staff and patients. The Trust then produced the new bright yellow badges, with larger font than the traditional NHS name badge, which ar ebeing rolled out across its sites. The forum is also working on plans to improve wheelchair access in many of its hospitals.

Oyebanji Adewumi, Associate Director for Inclusion at Barts Health, added: It is important that we listen to our patients and we take pride in acting on their feedback. After hearing that some people had difficulty reading name badges, we spoke to experts and I am delighted that we have developed a new name badge that is much easier to read.

"We are delighted to see that our Inclusion Forums are starting to bear fruit. Our hospitals are committed towards inclusion for all and the new badges are a small step in the right direction.”

Barts Health NHS Trust
With a turnover of £1.4 billion and a workforce of around 16,000, Barts Health is the largest NHS trust in the country, and one of Britain’s leading healthcare providers. The Trust’s five hospitals – St Bartholomew’s Hospital in the City, including the Barts Heart Centre, The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel, Newham University Hospital in Plaistow, Whipps Cross University Hospital in Leytonstone and Mile End – deliver high quality compassionate care to the 2.5 million people of East London and beyond.


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