New Hub to boost careers and healthcare services in North-East London | Our news

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New Hub to boost careers and healthcare services in North-East London

Waltham Forest Life sciences hub

A new health and life sciences hub at Waltham Forest College is set to create significant career opportunities, support the local community, and strengthen healthcare services in North-East London. This innovative initiative is part of the Barts Health Futures programme and will help address NHS skills shortages while focusing on improving care for older people.  

The Hub, which has received funding and support from the Mayor of London, will provide hands-on experience for students through T-level qualifications, specialised training, and placements at Whipps Cross Hospital. State-of-the-art facilities, including a hospital ward simulation space and a training cadaver, will ensure students are fully prepared for real-world healthcare roles. Additionally, Barts Life Sciences will support the Hub by offering advice on innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities that benefit the NHS.  

Amanjit Jhund, CEO of Whipps Cross Hospital:   “The opening of the new Health and Life Sciences Skills and Training Hub is a fantastic opportunity for students and NHS staff to grow their careers while ensuring we develop the workforce where it’s needed most.”  

The hub is expected to train hundreds of NHS staff and students each year, helping the NHS build a talent pipeline in areas facing critical skills shortages and the partnership is a crucial step in fulfilling the objectives outlined in the newly published London Growth Plan, which aims to generate thousands of jobs in the growing life sciences sector of North-East London.  

Janet Gardner, Principal and CEO, Waltham Forest College:   “This partnership is a great example of Anchor Institutions working together to support the skills needed to help local communities into great jobs and progress into aspirational careers within the NHS.  The Hub will also create innovative opportunities for employment in the Life Sciences sector, supporting economic growth for our economy.”  

Sven Bunn, Life Sciences Programme Director, Barts Life Sciences, said:   “There are exciting career opportunities for the local community on the horizon as the development of our new Life Sciences Cluster in North-East London will create thousands of jobs in health and life sciences.”  

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