New Dialysis Unit: "Getting a more holistic care experience has been great" | Our news

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New Dialysis Unit: "Getting a more holistic care experience has been great"

A patient, Jimmy, opens the dialysis unit at St George's Health and wellbeing unit by cutting a ribbon surrounded by Barts Health staff

A new dialysis unit was formally opened by Barts Health on 10 March 2025, marking a significant milestone in kidney care service. The new unit is located in the brand new St George’s Health and Wellbeing Hub in Hornchurch.

In attendance was Jimmy, who has kidney failure and has been receiving dialysis treatment since 2019. Speaking about the difference the new unit has made to his care, Jimmy said:

“The hub has made a real difference. This new unit provides an airy, light and calming environment which makes me feel more comfortable and is a much more pleasant environment compared to a busy hospital environment.  

“Getting a more holistic care experience has been great. Growing up I was very sick and missed a lot of school, and in recent years I haven’t been able to work as a result of my condition. Not only has the hub supported my medical needs, but they have supported me to consider my work options, helping me to build my life back together.”

Currently, around 7.2 million people have chronic kidney disease in the UK and 700,000 people are being treated for kidney failure. 

With a growing demand for renal services in north east London, facilities like this are going to continue to be important and with the help of our primary care colleagues we hope to strengthen this offering for the community for those requiring renal care.

Professor Ian Jacobs, the newly appointed chair of Barts Health NHS Trust said: “The opening of the new dialysis unit reflects our commitment to bringing incredible care into local communities. 

“I am in awe of the organisation, expertise and persistence it must have taken to create this wonderful facility, that is ready to make a difference in people’s lives, not only by making access to care easier, but to improve the quality of care in people’s lives.”

The Hub first opened to patinets in November 2024, to provide easy access to a range of health, social care and community services all under one roof, seven days a week. 

These services, including GP services, outpatient clinics, mental health service, community care and diagnostic facilities for earlier cancer diagnosis, support around 250,000 people in Havering and the surrounding north east London areas. 

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  1. Alastair Finney Wednesday, 12 March 2025 at 02:41 PM

    Well done, Hannah, and everyone involved in this project. A great achievement... and the sign of things to come as we shift services out of our acute hospitals, where appropriate to do so, to improve access for our patients and enhance their experience

  2. Alison Cann Wednesday, 12 March 2025 at 02:50 PM

    Well done Hannah and team for making this a reality

  3. Sehyrar Davudi Thursday, 13 March 2025 at 04:43 PM

    I do remember the very busy and congested dialysis unit at the 9th floor of RLH over 12 years ago when I spend luckily for me only 4 months. The facility was new at the time but it was very busy , grey ( well every thing painted white or grey no colour ) and it felt hopeless and depressive. I remember the previous unit which was located at KGV of SBH the room itself was old but much airier and atmosphere felt better.
    It good to see attempt made to make renal patients experience better.

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