More and better services planned for a new Whipps Cross hospital | Our news

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More and better services planned for a new Whipps Cross hospital

Artists impression of front of new Whipps Cross Hospital

A brand new Whipps Cross hospital would have at least as many overnight beds as the current site, if that is required to meet local demand for healthcare at the time of opening.

The redevelopment team gave this commitment to MPs who raised concerns that fewer inpatient beds would not keep pace with anticipated population growth in Waltham Forest and Redbridge.

The new hospital is designed to be flexible and accommodate the right number of beds for the configuration of clinical services required at any point. Hospital bed numbers fluctuate according to demand, for example during peak periods in winter.

The number of beds actually needed by 2026 will also reflect improvements in medical care. Many overnight patients will need to spend far less time in the new hospital, for example, while the number of day case operations will increase by 50%.  

Other new, more and better services include additional emergency care through a dedicated same-day centre, and a near doubling of CT and MRI scans. Together these will provide faster, better treatment and reduce the need to admit patients to hospital.

There will be a one-third increase in outpatient procedures, too, and half of all outpatient appointments will be virtual. With over a third more clinical space, the new hospital will expand four-fold the proportion of single rooms with the latest smart bed technology, improving the care and experience of those admitted.  

In a letter to local MPs, Alastair Finney, redevelopment director, said the new hospital would also treat and care for more people through closer integration with local community services. For example, we will continue to provide the specialist palliative and end-of-life care for which the Margaret Centre is known, but are working with St Joseph’s Hospice and others to develop an end-of-life care offer for those people who do not need or want specialist hospital treatment.

He said: “Having listened to people’s concerns, we reviewed our plans and designs again, and will be able to provide at least the same number of overnight inpatient beds in the new hospital as are provided at present. We remain committed to flexibility in both planning and design, and this will allow us to maintain the bed base rather than reduce it, should that prove necessary.”

The letter also pointed out that the recent flooding on the ageing Whipps Cross site reinforced the case for building a new, modern, hospital as soon as possible.  

To find out more about the Whipps Cross Hospital Redevelopment visit


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  1. Alan Westall Friday, 10 September 2021 at 12:38 PM

    Will there be more parking spaces as there is no station within walking distance for older patience's

  2. Glyn Roberts Friday, 10 September 2021 at 04:52 PM

    I'm glad to see that efforts to build a modern hospital at Whipps Cross are well under way. But I'm worried about the potential flooding and traffic problems posed by the associated housing development on the site. Full environmental impact assessments must be made, and necessary safeguards taken, before this development is approved.
    I've sent these comments to the local panning authority (Waltham Forest). I’m concerned about the plan (application ref number 211245) to build at least 1,500 new homes on the current Whipps Cross Hospital site and the potential flooding risk this could cause to the natural valley below the site.
    The higher ground to the east-north-east of the site (around Hollow Ponds) is part of a watershed that drains west into the Lea valley and east into the Rodung valley. The hospital site slopes down to a natural water course that drains into the Fille Brook valley, winding through Leytonstone and Leyton and down to the River Lea at Leyton Marshes. The opposite bank of this natural water course rises up past Peterborough Road to a ridge along Essex Road. During heavy rains, water runs down each bank into the underground brook, drains and sewers along the valley floor. The area used to flood regularly, I understand, until new sewerage was constructed several decades ago. This relieved the problem and, indeed, I saw very little sign of flooding in the 13 years I’ve lived in the area until the torrential rains of July 25, 2021, which caused flooding at Whipps Cross Hospital, Peterborough Road, James Lane, Clare Road, Forest Road and farther downstream (and, indeed, many other parts of Waltham Forest borough). Blocked drains were part of the problem, and I have complained to WF council that more storm drains need to be built and regular drain maintenance carried out. However, it does appear the current brooks, drains and sewers are in danger of becoming overburdened during cloudbursts. This might have happened initially during the storm on July 25. The danger is likely to worsen with the onset of climate change. I feel that the construction of at least 1,500 new homes on the slope between Hollow Ponds and this tributary valley to the Fille Brook will pose a flood threat - particularly if no new drains and sewers are built to accommodate the waste water and rain run-off from the new residential development. Even if new sewers are built, I would expect a full environmental impact assessment of the risks.
    In addition, I’m concerned about the effects of the extra traffic serving this planned development. The surrounding roads - James Lane, Lea Bridge Road, Whipps Cross Road and feeder roads - are already often jammed during busy periods. I am aware that this new housing site is meant to be “car-free”, but the addition of thousands of new residents to the area is bound to create considerable extra traffic - taxis, buses, delivery vehicles and inevitably many private vehicles - as well as placing an extra burden on current public transport infrastructure. So another impact assessment is also needed here.
    I understand the need for more homes to be built, and I applaud efforts to create social and affordable housing. But I cannot support a scheme that might pose a serious threat to the area.

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