Midwife wins national award for kindness and compassion | Our news

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Midwife wins national award for kindness and compassion

Cathy Falvey-Browne, Consultant Midwife at Newham Hospital has won a Cavell Nurses’ Trust Star Award for her 'kindness, thoughtfulness and compassion'.

Cathy was nominated for a Cavell Nurses’ Trust Star Award for going above and beyond to provide outstanding care to mothers and their families, including leading on our recent ‘Whose Shoes’ patient experience event, to learn from and improve our patients’ experience of care.

The Cavell Nurses’ Trust Star Award programme is for nurses, midwives, nursing associates and healthcare assistants who shine bright and show exceptional care to either patients, their families or colleagues.

On receiving the award, Cathy said:

“A very big thank you for the nomination, it is very humbling to be recognised. In my opinion, many in my team also deserve this award, as we all strive on a daily basis to provide exceptional maternity care to our women and their families even during this very challenging time.

“Therefore I would like to receive this award on behalf of the Newham Maternity Team who will continue to shine brightly.”

Cathy was nominated for the award by her manager Giuseppe Labriola, Associate Director of Nursing and Midwifery for Newham Hospital, who praised:

“Cathy champions midwifery and midwifery-led care with such kindness, thoughtfulness and compassion, that I would say that when you meet her, you would definitely want to be cared for by her.

“Cathy has been instrumental with championing women’s experiences through meeting with me and identifying that women and their families need further support within the service. There is currently a birth reflections clinic that Cathy runs which provides support and de-brief after a birth experience. Cathy has identified that this is not enough for the women we care for and a birth trauma clinic has also been set up with a midwife trained in providing additional restorative support and a package of sessions to work through their experience.

“On top of all of this, Cathy works over and beyond her hours and I would like to recognise her hard work at Barts Health NHS Trust.”

Well done Cathy!

Do you know a nurse, midwife or healthcare assistant who are shining bright and delivering exceptional care to the people we look after? Nominate them for an award at www.cavellstarawards.org.​


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  1. Mun-Leng Lim Monday, 6 April 2020 at 12:07 PM

    So deserving! Congratulations!

  2. Lynn Maycroft Monday, 6 April 2020 at 02:49 PM

    Very well deserved Cathy congratulations.

  3. Kade Mondeh Tuesday, 7 April 2020 at 11:19 AM

    Well done Cathy...well deserved. It should be mentioned that you are always smiling!

  4. Patricia Hodge Wednesday, 8 April 2020 at 01:38 PM

    well deserved Cathy!

  5. Andrew Kelso Friday, 10 April 2020 at 04:36 PM

    Well done Cathy - you are an absolute credit to the Newham team

  6. Felipe Castro Cardona Monday, 11 May 2020 at 11:37 AM

    Very well deserved. Congratulations Cathy!!

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