Mechanical thrombectomy service goes 24/7 | Our news

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Mechanical thrombectomy service goes 24/7

The Barts Health stroke service will now offer mechanical thrombectomy 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

After 2 years of planning, the service went live on the on 30 November 2020 and aims to improve access to this life-changing treatment for the local east London community and beyond.

Mechanical thrombectomy is a minimally invasive procedure in which an interventional neuro-radiologist uses specialised equipment to remove the obstructing blood clot from arteries within the brain. This treatment is offered to patients who have certain types of acute stroke and is dependent on what stage the patient presents at hospital.  

Thrombectomy for a large vessel ischemic stroke has been demonstrated to be one of the most powerful treatments in any field of medicine, with better patient outcomes and quality of life when compared to conventional treatment.

Levansri Makalanda, Consultant in Interventional Neuroradiology said: “Mechanical thrombectomy is one of the most powerful treatments in medicine. The trials performed five years ago showed a massive benefit to patients with large strokes. Sometimes reversing their symptoms so they can walk out of the hospital the following day.

“We are proud that this development at Barts Health, will help to treat a disease that still has a major impact on everyday life.”

Consultant, Annie Hunningher said: “This service adds to our offering as a world class neuroscience centre, with a dedicated stroke team, rapid imaging facilities, experienced neuro-anaesthesia provision and a first-class emergency department. We are able to provide rapid assessment and treatment for patients who suffer a stroke.”

The treatment was originally only offered during the day, so the move to 24/7 hour provision will improve patient access to these life-changing interventions.  

Edward McKintosh, Clinical Director for Neurosciences said: “By implementing this life-changing intervention, Barts Health joins a small number of units in the UK and internationally who are able to remove blood clots from the arteries in the brain 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

“In suitable patients, this can reverse the effects of a stroke and allow a rapid return to normal life.”

Click here for more information on the Barts Health stroke service and the treatments they can offer.


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  1. David CHAPPELL Wednesday, 29 March 2023 at 12:36 PM

    My wife was the first person to have this procedure at The Royal London Hospital (possibly on the UK!) thanks to Dr Paul Butler on April 8th 2010!

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