Local boy donates 6th birthday gifts to children’s ward | Our news

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Local boy donates 6th birthday gifts to children’s ward

Children at Whipps Cross Hospital were treated today with goodies as a local boy visited the hospital to donate his birthday presents.

When Reggie O’Shea, from Chigwell, turned 6 years old recently, instead of asking his friends for gifts he asked them to buy a gift to be donated to the patients in Acorn Ward.

Reggie said: “I wanted to give some presents to boys and girls who were in hospital. It was really exciting to come to Acorn Ward and meet the nurses and doctors.”

Lauren O’Shea, Reggie’s mother, said: "After seeing his dad donate gifts to the children at Whipps Cross every Christmas, Reggie came to me and said he wanted to do the same thing. So when his birthday party came, we let parents know that any gift will be donated to the children on the ward. They loved the idea and my husband and I are proud that he wanted to do it.”  

Jen O’Sullivan, Acorn Ward Manager at Whipps Cross Hospital, said: “It was great to have Reggie pop in to donate gifts to our younger patients. He is such a star for being so selfless and the children loved their presents – it’s a real boost for them and their parents at what can be a difficult time.”


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  1. Elizabeth Silva Thursday, 31 May 2018 at 09:28 AM

    What a generous little boy. This story brought a tear to my eyes.

  2. Cheryl Lett Thursday, 31 May 2018 at 02:17 PM

    What a sweetheart bless him his parents must be so proud of him!

  3. rose manneh Saturday, 2 June 2018 at 01:43 AM

    well done Reggie. May you celebrate many more years to come with good health

  4. Katherine Gough Wednesday, 6 June 2018 at 05:51 PM

    Wonderful! Great to read of such selfless generosity. Reggie and his family are an example to us all.

  5. Cheryl Nevin Thursday, 14 June 2018 at 10:19 AM

    Fantastic young man

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