Latest update on coronavirus at Barts Health hospitals | Our news

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Latest update on coronavirus at Barts Health hospitals

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This page has been created to provide information on coronavirus cases at Barts Health hospitals and will be updated daily except for weekends and bank holidays. 

As of 8am on 24th February 2022 at Barts Health hospitals:

  • 179 in-patients have laboratory confirmed Covid-19. 
  • Of those with confirmed Covid-19, 11 were newly diagnosed in the previous 24 hours.  
  • 9 patients with confirmed Covid-19 are being cared for in critical care beds, or are on enhanced levels of oxygen in a General & Acute bed. 

As of 5pm on 23rd February 2022 at Barts Health hospitals:

  • 2,250 patients hospitalised with confirmed Covid-19 have sadly died. 
  • For the same period 27,278 inpatients hospitalised with confirmed Covid-19 have recovered and have been discharged.

In remembrance of our colleagues

It is with deep sadness to announce that we have lost nine members of the Barts Health family: Miharajiya Mohideen – known as Raji to colleagues – a healthcare assistant on Tayberry ward at Newham Hospital; Mr Van Lang Hoang, patient transport driver; Mark Woolcock, ambulance care assistant; Dr Habibhai Babu – known to all of us as Babu – an SHO older people’s services at Whipps Cross Hospital; Vincent Lawlor – sexual health advisor at The Royal London Hospital; Jeff Edwards – former porter at Whipps Cross Hospital; Greg (Grzegorz) Serwin – health records porter working at The Royal London Hospital and across Barts Health NHS Trust; Emmanuel ‘Manny’ Okoro – patient transport team; Elias Phiri – sexual health advisor at The Royal London Hospital.

Further information 

Guidance for patients and visitors on our services during the coronavirus pandemic.  


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  1. Ron Collins Friday, 3 April 2020 at 09:40 PM

    Bless you all. All these deaths are terribly sad my sympathies go to their families and friends. They also go out to the wonderful staff who try so hard to bring them back to health. Keep thinking of those many patients who you care for and do make a recovery. That is all thanks to you. Please take care and keep well yourselves. We love you all. Ron

  2. Michael Thomson Saturday, 4 April 2020 at 06:34 PM

    Such a sad occurrence for all Nursing staff at Bart’s. being treated there myself after my Septal Myectomy. I know hundred percent that the Nurses will be devastated at this. Please give my love to McDonal in ICU.

  3. Peter Boyle Sunday, 12 April 2020 at 08:40 AM

    God bless all who work in our hospitals and keep you all safe

  4. David Daly Sunday, 12 April 2020 at 03:41 PM

    I am a very experienced practitioner working in Paediatrics and Obstetrics since 2018. I have been very impressed by the outstanding support offered to myself and my colleagues as we have been absorbed into the critical care team. Your teaching and practical support has made the transition much easier and helped to develop new bonds between once separate staff and departments.
    We are all one united force now fighting like never before against a faceless enemy. It is tough and we need to stay focused and strong together. We are a special group of individuals thrown together for this time and we will be able to look back after it is all over and be proud of our efforts. I am very proud to be part of the team and very sure of the ability of my colleagues.
    God Bless you and be encouraged that we are all be held up in prayer, daily.

  5. Abdullah Friday, 17 April 2020 at 05:46 PM

    Dr Habibhai Babu of barts health nhs passed away this week. He continued working while this pandemic was happening and lost his life while helping those in need.
    May Allah bless him and his family

  6. Gillian Rouse Friday, 17 April 2020 at 07:17 PM

    Could you include figures for those with covid19 who have been discharged?
    Thank you to all nhs staff.. especially thinking of those on Plane Tree, Whipps Cross, who have supported me for 11 years.

  7. Li Wednesday, 22 April 2020 at 11:59 PM

    As a former patient at Whips cross . I am a covid-19 surviver though now living in Sussex. I have always had such wonderful care from the endoscopy department and wish all Nursing staff and doctors well. You always made me smile . Best wishes

  8. Mya Mon Yee Saturday, 25 April 2020 at 03:46 PM

    Deep condolences for them and please update latest news about the staff and patients so we can work together. I am associate member of Royal College and want to take part in volunteering roles like research about corona virus and gastroenterology or cardiology patients.

  9. Carlos wilhelms Tuesday, 5 May 2020 at 03:44 AM

    I was really sick. The worst I can remember in the first week of December.
    I believe I had the coronavirus, due to the fact that the symptoms really match with what I was feeling.
    Therefore after a week of fever, pain, etc I went to Whipps crops and after 5 hours I was seen by a doctor. He gave me antibiotics for pneumonia and send me home.
    I guess I had coronavirus , but I will never know.
    By the way, after 3 long flights and lots of time spent at airports, I got 5 days of fever, sore throat, etc

  10. Shaun arnold Thursday, 21 January 2021 at 02:52 PM

    Please stay safe your doing a wonderful job..

  11. Deborah Hammond Saturday, 23 January 2021 at 10:34 AM

    I think of all nurses, doctors, health-care staff everyday, with heartfelt gratitude. I am well, but am hugely aware of what you are all having to do and go through. You are magnificent, and appreciated more than you can imagine, more than I can say, and like me, not only by those you have helped. I am grateful for you and proud of you. Our government needs to reward your super-human efforts and sacrifices with much higher pay.
    Sending you love, a hug, and thank you, thank you so very much.

  12. Philip Hogan. Saturday, 3 April 2021 at 10:35 AM

    Thank you everyone,you really are the most wonderful and kindest friends I have ever,known thank you all so so much for all the kindness and love which you have shown me not just in the past year but always throughout all the years I have worked with and alongside you all,bless you all

  13. Barry Anderson Monday, 5 April 2021 at 05:14 PM

    Can I ask how many people have died of covid against number that have died with covid.
    Thank you

  14. SheilaRacheal Daniel Friday, 23 April 2021 at 07:32 PM

    My sincere sympathy to the bereaved families and to us the colleagues, the covid 19 is a huge blow to all of us, but we are stronger together and have overcome it. Together we stand firm as a family. God bless us all.

  15. Muhammed Rahman Monday, 13 September 2021 at 11:47 AM

    Thank you very much for this information.
    I am a current Covid patient at this hospital and have found the summary useful.
    Reach out if you need me to support an article to help drive vaccine rates in the area. I was antivax ax at first but this has changed me completely.

  16. Veronica Eugenio Tuesday, 14 September 2021 at 03:39 PM

    God Bless to all the staff working hard during this pandemic and praying for all your safety.
    Thank you to all of you. Take care and keep safe

  17. Pamela Tookey Saturday, 22 January 2022 at 10:59 AM

    Is Bart’s health trust The Royal London hospital please. Enquiring as my Son is being referred to Royal London
    Thank you

  18. Karen jones Wednesday, 2 February 2022 at 08:08 PM

    May all your souls rest in peace thank you

  19. Rob Marshall Tuesday, 22 February 2022 at 10:11 PM

    Hi, Have you stopped reporting the daily stats of those in hospital with Covid etc?

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