Kevin Walsh appointed as Divisional Director of Specialist Medicine | Our news

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Kevin Walsh appointed as Divisional Director of Specialist Medicine

Congratulations to Kevin Walsh who has been appointed Divisional Director of Specialist Medicine.

Kevin is the first divisional director at The Royal London Hospital from a nursing background.

Kevin said on his appointment: “I am delighted and feel greatly privileged to be appointed to the post of Divisional Director of Specialist Medicine at the Royal London.

“I have worked in the division since I joined Bart's Health in February 2016 as Associate Director of Nursing and look forward to continuing to work with the hugely talented and committed staff that work within the division.

“It is an exciting time to take up this leadership role on the trust's journey of continuing improvement for patients and staff.”

Prior to joining Bart's Health, Kevin worked in the Royal Free Hospital and held a number of roles there including head of nursing for surgery and deputy director of nursing as well as five years association with the Royal College of Nursing in delivering leadership development programmes.

Jackie Sullivan, Chief Executive, said: "I am really pleased to welcome Kevin into his new role. I think Kevin will bring a new and exciting perspective to our hospital executive team."


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