Hospital design focus groups for the Whipps Cross redevelopment | Our news

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Hospital design focus groups for the Whipps Cross redevelopment

As part of the design journey for the new Whipps Cross Hospital we are holding a series of online focus groups to understand what is important to you. Whether or not you have used the hospital, we want to hear your opinions and ideas.

Sessions will take place throughout November and early December, and will last 1 hour via Microsoft Teams.

Choose one or more themes of interest below, and follow the link to book a session. You are welcome to join us every week!

Focus Groups Dates

Session name

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Healing Environments – Public Spaces

Monday 16 November, 


Tuesday 17 November,


Thursday 19 November,

11-12 noon

To book a session on Healing Environments (Public Spaces), go to

Patient Journeys (moving around the hospital)

Tuesday 24 November, 11-12 noon

Wednesday 25 November, 6-7pm

Wednesday 25 November, 7-8pm

To book a session on Patient Journeys, go to

Inclusive Design

Tuesday 1 December,

11-12 noon

Tuesday 1 December,   


Wednesday 2 December,


To book a session on Inclusive Design, go to

Healing Environments – Clinical Spaces

Tuesday 8 December,

11-12 noon

Wednesday 9 December,


Thursday 10 December,

11-12 noon

To book a session on Healing Environments (Clinical Spaces), go to

Travelling to Hospital

Monday 14 December,


Monday 14 December,



To book a session on Travelling to Hospital, go to

External Approach and Green Spaces

Tuesday 15 December,


Tuesday 15 December,


Thursday 17 December,


To book a session on External Approach and Green Spaces, go to


It is important we hear the voices of people in the community who may be hard to reach or who have protected characteristics, so we would be grateful if you could pass this message onto anyone you know who may be interested and encourage them to join one of the sessions.

We appreciate that online focus groups are not suitable for everyone, particularly those with visual impairments or who have difficulty using technology. If you represent a community group or organisation and do not feel this invitation is suitable for your members but would be able to work with us to get people involved in another way, please contact Marie Clough, Patient Experience and Engagement Lead: 07776165538

If you are unable to attend the focus groups, you can find out more by visiting our website or reading our booklet. You can also complete our online survey to share your thoughts on the plans or email


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