Honour for Honor, the hospital trolley hero | Our news

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Honour for Honor, the hospital trolley hero

Honor Cousens with her trolley

An NHS volunteer who has delivered thousands of refreshments to patients on the wards at The Royal London Hospital has been recognised in the New Year Honours list.

Honor Cousens has operated the trolley service, which serves cold drinks, sweets, snacks and magazines at the hospital in Tower Hamlets, for many years.

She has been awarded a British Empire Medal.

Hospital trolley services are a lifeline for patients who are unable to get out of bed, and staff who don’t have the opportunity to leave the wards during their shift.

Volunteers or ‘vollies’, who are members of the Friends of the Royal London Hospital charity, also provide a free listening service to anyone with concerns about their medical condition, or who simply want to talk to a friendly face.

Honor, who is the volunteer manager for the shop trolley team, continues to operate the trolley service beyond her seventieth year.

She said: "Guiding the trolley shop and chatting to patients is such a privilege. The patients are so uplifting with their bravery.

"I am surrounded by so many inspirational people with stories to share, generosity and warmth and humour. 

"To receive a BEM for something I love doing is an enormous shock and very humbling."

In 2023, Honor was one of a number of Friends members whose contribution to the trolley service was recognised with a long service award.

She described the hard work involved in operating the service: "Loading and pushing the trolley around the wards for three or four hours might seem easy, but by the time I have offloaded the cold drinks back into the fridges and re-stocked the trolley, cashed up and headed off home to give [my dog] Hooligan his third walk of the day, I am about ready for half an hour’s sit-down to recuperate!"

Friends of The Royal London Hospital receive long service awards

The Friends of The Royal London Hospital was established in 1979 as a charity dedicated to improving amenities for both staff and patients.

Support includes grants to fund equipment where the NHS is unable to do so, and a programme of musical events held in the hospital foyer throughout the year.

Its members include former staff as well patients and other people from the local area.

Honor is one of a number of NHS staff and volunteers to feature in this year’s Honours list.

A British Empire Medal is awarded to individuals who have made a sustained commitment in support of a charity or voluntary organisation in their local area and in particular recognises ‘hands-on’ service.

Pictured top: Honor (right) serves a member of hospital staff; pictured below, Honor (far right) alongside fellow Friend volunteers Christine Winterflood, Trevor Beedham, Steve Harris and Judith Walker.

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  1. Shamshed Begum Wednesday, 1 January 2025 at 08:53 AM

    Amazing! Thank you for your hard work!

  2. Sasha Walker Thursday, 2 January 2025 at 03:57 PM

    Absolutely amazing well deserved!

  3. Omodele Solanke Thursday, 2 January 2025 at 06:20 PM

    congratulations !!

  4. Nancy Whiskin Friday, 3 January 2025 at 10:19 AM

    A fantastic and well-deserved achievement Honor!
    A huge thank you to the Friends of the Royal London for their services to the hospital in support of patients, visitors and staff. You make a real difference to the experience of all those that you support with your dedication and kindness.

  5. Grace Waters Monday, 6 January 2025 at 04:51 PM

    Congratulations and heart felt thanks for your increadible dedication and service at the RLH. You have provided comfort and cheer to Patients, families and staff alike. your kindness, commitment, and generosity have made a lasting impact, and we are all greatful for all you've done to brighten so many Patients lives. you are inspiration to us all!

  6. Jenny Neil Tuesday, 7 January 2025 at 07:57 AM

    Congratulations ! Amazing news and very well deserved.

  7. Eamon Roche Thursday, 9 January 2025 at 12:05 PM

    Congratulations Honor, this is fantastic news, you work in an awesome team, I miss bumping into you on your rounds or seeing you by the back door unloading deliveries with your pooch. You must come up and visit us oldies on the 14E/F, btw have you a +1 to come with you to your ceremony at Buck House if not I'm available 😘

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