Helping to save more testicles | Our news

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Helping to save more testicles

Consultant James Green

(Barts Health consultant James Green photographed above)

A group of consultants, doctors, young children and teachers have co created and recently launched a new teaching programme that aims to raise awareness about testicular health and recognise the symptoms of testicular torsion, in boys and young men.

Led by Barts Health urologist consultant and director of the urology network, James Green, the group has developed a number of free online resources which have recently been shared with thousands of schools across the UK via the PSHE Association.

On testicular torsions, a painful twisting of the testicle affecting one in 4,000 young men and boys every year, Mr Green explains: “The saddest thing is that people come to us when it’s too late, and most parents don’t know about the symptoms, and they wait too long and leave it thinking the pain will go away.”

“Sometimes it’s not easy for children and parents to identify what the symptoms of some of these conditions are.”

“They always say I wish I knew, and they tell me that no one teaches them about these sorts of things and it’s sad, so I thought let’s do something and start by educating schools”.

Over the next two years, James and his team will be working with Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest, Barking and Havering to do a wider roll out across the north east London boroughs. “The resources can be accessed by anybody in the UK, but we want to focus our resources on north east London communities for now,” says James.

“If we start teaching younger children about it, they can then start to recognise the symptoms and they will know when to come to us and also teach their parents, and this will help us to save more testicles.”

James spoke to The Sun about this project and discussed the importance of raising awareness about testicular health in young boys. 


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  1. Pervaiz Khan Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 02:40 PM

    Dear James and all your team members.
    Thank you for awareness about this topic, contribution towards it so far, and bringing attention of many on the table on this issue.
    I am a teacher and training adviser with Bart's Health and I want to contribute, no matter how small it will be, so please keep in touch with me. My email is and, I am based at Whipps Cross University Hospital Site. My telephone extension is 5368.

  2. Julia Prospere Thursday, 27 April 2023 at 01:17 PM

    I think this is a brilliant idea, educating the boys, young men of today about "testicular torsions" - a great place to start within the schools and educating parents at the same time. Keep up the good work and thank you.

  3. Charlotte Allchorne Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 10:42 AM

    What a brilliant idea - all schools should teach this - I'll tell my friends who are teachers

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