Helping patients feel more valued | Our news

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Helping patients feel more valued

A&E entrance at Whipps Cross Hospital

Patients are now feeling more valued and less anxious in our emergency departments after being offered refreshments while they wait.

After noticing that attendances across our emergency departments were on the rise our staff worked together and identified a need for patients and those with them to be provided with food and drink.

Previously, refreshments would be provided around winter but the decision was made to extend this throughout the year.

The change came into effect in August 2024, and catering staff are now based within our three emergency departments; The Royal London, Whipps Cross and Newham.

On average around 650 hot meals are served across our emergency departments every week, with the decision over when refreshments are offered are led by the individual clinical teams.

Mel Crawford, associate director of patient catering and food services at Barts Health NHS Trust, said: “The introduction of refreshments across our emergency departments was part of a wider commitment to improving overall patient experience.

“Since it was rolled out, we have found that the service makes patients feel more valued and reduces their anxiety and also decreases the amount of abuse our staff receive."

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  1. Onicah Pfidze Wednesday, 18 December 2024 at 03:38 PM

    Really helpful for vulnerable patients who might be facing a long wait. Well done.

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