Green light for life sciences development near Royal London Hospital | Our news

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Green light for life sciences development near Royal London Hospital

An artist impression of the The Whitechapel Life Sciences Cluster.

A state-of-the-art education and research hub which will be situated next to The Royal London Hospital is a step closer after gaining planning permission.  

The Whitechapel Life Sciences Cluster, which was given the green light by Tower Hamlets’ Strategic Development Committee on November 14, will provide vital space for academics, the NHS and industry to co-create the healthcare solutions of tomorrow.  

This achievement is a major milestone in the strategic goals of Barts Life Sciences, a joint venture between Queen Mary University of London and Barts Health NHS Trust, supported by Barts Charity. The aim of the hub is to translate research into everyday healthcare benefits which reduce health inequalities among some of the most diverse and deprived communities in the UK.  

Approval was given to develop five vacant plots near The Royal London Hospital. One plot is owned by Queen Mary University of London; the remaining four will be marketed to commercial life science developers who are keen to turn research into new diagnostics and treatments for patients.  

Shane DeGaris, Group Chief Executive of Barts Health NHS Trust, said: “This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity. The Cluster will boost high-quality employment and enable acceleration of transformative healthcare innovations, such as AI and digital tools, into practice for the benefit of our diverse communities.”  

The 91,000m2 space is expected to inject millions of pounds into the local economy and generate over 5,000 jobs, while also improving the health and lifestyle of local communities. New green spaces and routes will also be created, which will be more attractive and safer for the community.  

Grant Bourhill, Managing Director of Barts Life Sciences, added: “We expect significant demand from industry to occupy these premises and exploit links with the hospital and University. We already run the largest number of commercial clinical trials in the country, and are opening a significantly expanded Phase I-III clinical research facility at The Royal London Hospital, whilst providing secure access to our extensive datasets on a unique patient population that represents a microcosm of the world .”  

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  1. Rakesh Uppal Monday, 18 November 2024 at 03:44 PM

    Fantastic News

  2. Neil Ashman Wednesday, 20 November 2024 at 11:15 AM

    Excellent news for the people of Tower Hamlets & East London, and for us at the RLHME. Really does point to an ambitious future.

  3. Julia Miller Tuesday, 26 November 2024 at 01:19 PM

    Good to see this project progressing.

  4. David Smithard Thursday, 28 November 2024 at 11:57 AM

    Great news for a great institution serving the people of the Eadt End of London

  5. Rebecca Hall Sunday, 15 December 2024 at 11:04 AM

    I work in women’s health and have a passion and always have for providing health care to fill health care gaps. I would love to be able to support/ learn from this fantastic initiative in any way of possible?

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