Extended placement scheme receives recognition | Our news

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Extended placement scheme receives recognition

A scheme which provides local people with a paid work placement has received a highly commended recognition at the MJ awards.

Last week, our Extended Placement Scheme, run by Healthcare Horizons Programme at Barts Health, was recognised for enhancing the lives of local people experiencing deprivation and inequalities, and supporting them to level up.

Funded by Tower Hamlets Together, the scheme is aimed at local people and involves them completing a 4-month paid admin work placement at The Royal London Hospital and Mile End Hospitals.

Engagement was supported by Tower Hamlet’s council’s employment provision, Workpath and pre-employment training was provided by Poplar HARCA. Participants were Tower Hamlets residents, mainly female, aged 18-30 who were not in secure or long-term education, employment or training. 

Sadhek Khan, head of community employment said:

It is great to be recognised for this work. It highlights the need and importance of such programmes in hospital settings which have been instrumental in reducing health inequalities amongst local people through structured pathways into employment with Barts Health.

Impact and delivery of the programme

Tower Hamlets has one of the highest levels of unemployment in the country for women, with just 59.7% in employment. 

All 21 participants became more employable through the work placement scheme, as indicated by their personal feedback. At the end of the placement, 62% of participants progressed into employment. 

Zubaida, scheme participant said:

As a result of taking part in this placement programme I have developed and strengthened many transferable skills such as communication, using hospital specific systems, interpersonal skills and teamwork. I now know what I want to become and what actions are required to achieve my goal of becoming a physiotherapist.

Future of the programme 

Following the success of the programme we have been awarded additional funding to run the scheme again in the financial year 2024/2025 with a focus on Somali community. The aim is to offer 15 placements within Barts Health and Primary Care setting.



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  1. Shuhana Sharmin Friday, 12 July 2024 at 09:40 AM

    Well done to everyone involved, great work! And congratulations to candidates that have completed their placements.

  2. Agnieszka Wrobel Friday, 12 July 2024 at 02:39 PM

    Thank you to all our wonderful supervisors for creating these opportunities to our local young people.

  3. Olajumoke Aina Monday, 15 July 2024 at 09:47 AM

    Congratulations team.
    Great news about the funding to run another cohort.

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