ELFT to provide central one-stop recruitment team for NEL vaccine rollout | Our news

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ELFT to provide central one-stop recruitment team for NEL vaccine rollout

East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) is to be the lead employer to advertise, recruit, carry out checks, train and place people to work on the Covid-19 vaccination programme in North East London. 

ELFT will work alongside Barts Health, who will continue to manage and operate the NHS Covid-19 vaccination centre, Newham, at ExCeL London.

They will operate like a job agency for their partners - NELFT, BHRUT, Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and primary care – ready to deploy trained vaccinators and support staff where and when they’re needed.

Having teamed up with recruitment agency Bank Partners and NHS Professionals, any vaccination centre, GP practice, primary care network or pharmacy in the area can request qualified staff according to their requirements and scheduled vaccination appointments. Their aim is to become a one-stop-vaccinator-staff-shop.

This opportunity makes optimum use of skills and resources without all the vaccination sites needing to carry out their own recruitment activities. And because ELFT are focussed on purely supporting the vaccination rollout, they can ensure that they’re providing highly skilled, experienced, but also engaged staff who have expressed an interest to work in this service.

A one-stop dedicated microsite will advertise all roles – any staff who would like to sign up for a role, should just click on 'Find Jobs' to apply.

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