Dodger dog has switched therapy work for fundraising! | Our news

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Dodger dog has switched therapy work for fundraising!

Dodger is a therapy dog for Barts Health and, due to Coronavirus, he’s unable to visit hospitals at the moment. He’s decided to switch his therapy work for fundraising instead!

Dodger and his sister Shea have so far walked the distance to Dover from Leyton Marshes and are continuing to tally up the distance they travel to see how far they can go!

Dodger and Shea

Footage from their daily walks is being posted on Dodger’s Instagram, Twitter and Facebook – just search ILoveDodgerDog to keep track of his activities.

Dodger’s usual day job is providing pet therapy to patients at our hopitals and he has previously visited Whipps Cross, the Royal London, Newham and St Barts. He recently won a Barts Health Heroes award for his dedicated volunteer work with the Trust, below are some pictures of him enjoying the awards dinner:

Dodger at BHH Dodger at BHH

Dodger at BHH Dodger at BHH

Dodger is an avid fundraiser and he also has a range of story books and adoption teddy’s that he sells at a monthly stall at Newham hospital. In February he presented Barts Charity with a cheque for £250 but he’s hoping to raise much more than that this time!

Dodger fundraising

Dodger regularly works in the trauma unit at the Royal London, so he visited the air ambulance helicopter and he will be publishing a book based on this later in the year, all of his books are based on true stories.

Dodger air ambulance  

Dodger air ambulance

The only real challenge Dodger has faced during the lockdown is that he can’t be let off the lead – this is due to guidance released by dog charities in order to keep them safe. Other than that, he’s loving family time and his walks over the marshes.

Dodger provided a quote for us, he says: “Stay home, stay safe and follow the government guidance to help protect the NHS. Show your support by clapping every Thursday at 8pm, I always join in by barking my support.”

You can donate to Dodger’s fundraising appeal by visiting his Just Giving page.

Go to to find out more about Dodger, his work and his books.


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  1. Linda Deller Thursday, 23 April 2020 at 11:47 AM

    What a cute dog also his sister he definitely lights up the day, he definitely deserves a
    clap on Thursdays with all the other NHS Heroes.

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