CT scanner-on-wheels increases imaging capacity | Our news

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CT scanner-on-wheels increases imaging capacity

A new mobile computerised tomography (CT) scanner is increasing Newham Hospital’s imaging offer and improving capacity during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The mobile CT scanner has been introduced to support outpatient and routine scans at Newham Hospital to help deliver and support the faster diagnosis for patients referred for an urgent cancer scan.

The scanner on wheels has been contracted by NHS England to support hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic and will help reduce reduce imaging waiting times. Originally, Newham Hospital had one permanent CT scanner, however due to the introduction of a lengthier cleaning process to stop any transmission of the virus between patients who used the machine, the team were unable to carry out as many scans per day. 

The mobile CT scanner allows patients who do not have symptoms of Covid-19 to receive their scan separately, relieving pressure on the permanent scanner. The temporary scanner is currently at the hospital two days a week for 12 hours a day, however there are plans to extend this to meet the needs of patients. 

Ronke Kesington-Oloye, General Manager of Newham Hospital’s Imaging Department, said: 

“This second scanner will allow us to provide a dedicated service to our CT patients who are not experiencing Covid-19 symptoms. This should give all patients the confidence to present for their scans in an environment that is Covid-19 free and will make a huge difference to people in our local population who are in need of urgent scans.”


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