Community midwives feature in BBC special | Our news

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Community midwives feature in BBC special

Call the midwife interview being filmed at The Royal London Hospital

Our fantastic community midwives have been featured in a BBC special which looked at their role in more detail. 

In line with the new series of Call the Midwife, we were approached by the BBC to be involved in the show. This was because our midwives serve the Poplar area of London, which is where the programme is set. 

Cameras followed a group of our community midwives over the course of a week, to showcase their personalities and the work they do across East London. 

The midwives included in the programme were: 

  • Irene Namugere, Community Midwifery Team Leader at Newham Hospital 
  • Mosun Ojo-Williams, Senior Midwife 
  • Hannah Shukla, Homebirth Midwife 

Holly Eastlake, Midwife Led Matron, was also interviewed as part of the programme.  

She said: “Call the Midwife is a much-loved TV series, highlighting the incredible work and lives of midwives historically working in Tower Hamlets.  

“It is important to recognise that midwives continue to provide this vital support and care to this day. Not only have the uniforms changed but also the demographic of families in the borough. 

“I hope this extension of Call the Midwife, will highlight the wonderful midwifery care still provided in Tower Hamlets to this day.  

“Midwifery is a calling, a vocation that becomes a part of who you are. It's a privilege to be a part of a families journey through maternity care, whatever the outcome may be.” 

You can watch the programme here

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